Miranda heartthrob Tom Ellis is being lined up to star in period drama Downton Abbey, according to sources.
据悉,因《米兰达》而名声大噪的Tom Ellis已被列入《唐顿庄园》的新晋角色名单。

Ellis, who plays Miranda Hart’s longstanding love interest in popular BBC sitcom Miranda, is being eyed for a role as Lady Mary’s next suitor in Downton Abbey, claim insiders.
Ellis在BBC剧《米兰达》中扮演的是米兰达·哈特的心上人。消息称,他被选中作为《唐顿庄园》中Lady Mary的下一位求婚者。

An ITV source told the Sunday Mirror: ‘Tom has always been popular but he has really become hot property since his role as Gary in Miranda.

‘He really showed his versatility and he’s also incredibly popular with the female viewers. It was an absolute no-brainer to get him in for an audition.

‘We know that Tom’s got a lot of other options at the moment but if he does get the role it will be an incredible opportunity for him. A lot of the current cast have become global superstars.

Michelle Dockery’s character Lady Mary was married to Matthew Crawley in the hit ITV drama.
Michelle Dockery所扮演的Lady Mary在ITV热剧《唐顿庄园》中嫁给了Matthew Crawley。

However, she lost her husband in a car crash in the Downton Christmas special, as actor Dan Stevens left the programme and his character Matthew behind.
然而,她的丈夫在《唐顿庄园第三季圣诞特辑》中因车祸而丧生,因为Matthew的扮演者Dan Stevens决定离开唐顿剧组。

Lady Mary’s new love interest is expected to make up a key part of the plot in the next series of the show.
Lady Mary的新爱人预计会成为下一季中的关键情节。