Tyler fans are used to saying goodbye to him each spring. Because "The Vampire Diaries" cast is so big, every character can't be in every episode, and writing Tyler out while he took personal journeys helped make room for other characters to get some face time.

This time, though, it's a different story. The poignant goodbye that he shared with Caroline was more emotional than we've seen them share before, as she begged him to move on, and he promised to be happy, and to forget her.

According to our very reliable sources, this absence will be much more extended than any previous ones. No decision has been made yet as to when or if Trevino will rejoin the cast, and whether it will be in a regular or recurring capacity. A return this season is very unlikely. Tyler and Klaus certainly have some unfinished business to work out, so he could, in theory, pop up as a guest star on "The Originals" spin-off in the future.
根据可靠消息,这回Tyler离开的时间将会比以往长得多。目前剧组还没有决定是否让Trevino(Tyler扮演者)再次加入演员阵容或是让他做常规角色或是客串,总之本季回归是不太可能了。Tyler和Klaus还有未了结的纠葛,按道理Tyler应该会出现在衍生剧《The Originals》的客串名单中。