
 Hope you’re sitting down, because I have some jaw-dropping news for you: Penny is getting a job. A job as an actress. I hear she’s going to get cast in a small community theater production of A Streetcar Named Desire. Meanwhile, Mayim Bialik told us at the SAG Awards that there are “a couple big Sheldon/Amy episodes,” coming up. “I’ve actually been surprised how much the writers and producers want to push this relationship,” she shared. “Amy wants more, and we see what Sheldon thinks.”
这里有一则让所有人吓得一弹的剧透要来了,大家坐稳了:Penny要换工作了,而且新工作是演员哦。Penny将会在一个小社区剧场制作的戏剧《欲望号街车》中拿到一个角色。另外Mayim Bialik(Amy的扮演者)在美国演员工会奖现场向我们透露,接下来,《生活大爆炸》将会上演一集“主要讲Sheldon和Amy感情”的一集内容。“编剧和制作人是有多想推进Sheldon和Amy这一对的恋情,真心让我惊讶了。”她说。“这段恋情中,Amy不满足,想要更多,我们拭目以待Sheldon的反应。”