Aiming at McCain?
Lanny Davis on Bill Clinton's claim that POWs can snap at any time



Today,Senator John McCain questioning where former president Bill Clinton gets his expertise on the mental health of prisoners of war.

It is a political season for hidden messages!

Isn't there any hidden message that Bill Clinton hadn't say about John McCain?


Here is what I know as a fact,I can't speculate. I know the Clintons,Bill and Hilary Clinton have a high regard for John McCain.I know that Senator Clinton and Senator McCain were close friends in the Senate. I know they disagree on issues,fundamentally as I do,but I have a high regard for Senator McCain.

Senator Obama: "John McCain calls himself the undergo. I will simply point out, for reasons you may consider apparent, that I am the underdog. I will be the underdog until I am sworn in."

About Howard Wolfson from Lanny Davis: He is one of the people best in politics that I've ever know.Because even though he deals with some tough people in the press. People in White House think that he's incredible.He made the right decision.


POW:prisoner of war 战俘
sway ahead the polls
work hard to earn a lot of support 努力赢得更多支持(选票,这里是说Obama的)
buddies from Clinton Campaign
mentality of being an underdog
lean on 倾向sb
