今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:add insult to injury。Insult是侮辱,injury是受伤。Add insult to injury要按字面来理解,它的意思是:受了伤之外还受到侮辱。但是,add insult to injury作为一个习惯用语,它的意思就是:雪上加霜。


例句-1:Lyn's teammates blamed her for not scoring a goal in the lacrosse game. It really hurt her. To add insult to injury, they convinced the coach to replace her for the rest of the season. Feeling even worse, she decided to try a different sport.


据记载,最早使用add insult to injury这个习惯用语是在1748年。Add insult to injury这个习惯用语是来自罗马寓言中苍蝇和秃子的故事。有只苍蝇叮了一个秃子,这个秃子伸手去打苍蝇,苍蝇没有打到,却打了自己的脑袋。苍蝇嘲笑他是add insult to injury。


Add insult to injury往往是指接二连三地发生倒霉事。就拿我一个同事来说吧。他早上来上班,先是找不到停车位, 好不容易找到车位后,车又被别人撞了,这种情况就是add insult to injury - 雪上加霜。有一个推销员在做促销报告时就碰到这类情况。

例句-2:Just as I was beginning my sales presentation, my laptop crashed. That's when I thought things couldn't have gotten any worse. But, then, as I continued my seminar from written notes, the power went out throughout the conference center, adding insult to injury.

