Looks like Vampire Diaries’ Kat Graham (Bonnie) can skip that chapter on casting love spells, because she’s nabbed someone in real life!
上周日,这位神秘瀑布镇的女巫和她的模特演员男友考特瑞尔·盖德瑞(Cottrell Guidry)订婚了。

Mystic Falls’ resident witch got engaged over the weekend to model-actor-beau Cottrell Guidry. Congratulations, Kat! Everyone, start throwing rice at these two! Crack the champagne!

According to E! Online, Cottrell posted to his Facebook page confirming the happy announcement, and then Tweeted a picture yesterday with the caption.
根据 E! Online的消息,考特瑞尔在自己的脸书页面上证实了这一喜讯,随后又在推特上发布了一张带有备注的昨天的照片。

No official confirmation from Kat herself, but we have a feeling that she’d make one bewitching bride — and have a bevy of supernatural bridesmaids to choose from!