As we previously revealed, Bonnie's dad is coming to town! Zap2it has learned that "The Vampire Diaries" producers have cast Rick Worthy as Rudy Hopkins,  father of our favorite teenage witch.
之前已经有消息说,Bonnie的爸爸要到神秘瀑布镇来了!Zap2it网站最新消息是《吸血鬼日记》制片人已经确定了让Rick Worthy扮演Bonnie的爸爸Rudy Hopkins这个角色。

"He makes a sudden reappearance in Bonnie's life and aims to protect her from the dangers in Mystic Falls," executive producer Julie Plec tells us. Rudy is expected to make his first appearance in episode 10.
“他突然出现在Bonnie的生活中是为了保护Bonnie远离神秘瀑布镇的危险,”执行制片人Julie Plec说。Rudy这个角色首次登场会是在《吸血鬼日记》第四季第十集。

It's not Rick Worthy's first time in the vampire world -- in fact, he recurs on "Supernatural" as the very first vampire, the Alpha. He's also known for his work on "CSI" and "Heroes."
这不是Rick Worthy首次出演和吸血鬼题材有关的电视剧了——实际上他在《邪恶力量》中也扮演过吸血鬼Alpha。另外他在《CSI》和《英雄》中都有出色表现。