

关于《物理的世界观》:本书两位作者Larry D. Kirkpatrick和Gerald F. Wheeler都是美国的物理学教授,这本书的目标是为那些其主修领域并非科学、数学或工程的学生提供物理学导论的概念性课程。 你将会了解以前从未注意过的整个世界。你将永远也不会走过街道、开着汽车、或看着镜子而没有自然而然地看到额外的空间。因此,欢迎来到可能是你们的生命中最具挑战性(而且最具回报性)的课程。当你学习它并最终领悟以后,这种体验将永远改变你的世界观。


Why Start Our Discussion with Motion 为什么从运动开始讨论

A property common to everything in the Universe is change. Some things are big, some are small, some are red, some have no color at all; some are rigid, some are fluid; but they all are changing. In fact, change is so important that the concept of time would be meaningless without it.

Change even occurs where seemingly there is none. Water evaporating, color fading, flowers growing, and stars evolving are all examples of changes that are beyond our casual observations. Also beyond our sensations is the fact that these changes are a result of the motion of material, often at the submicroscopic level. Because change—and thus motion—is so pervasive, we begin our exploration of physics world view with a study of motion.

Within our commonsense world view we generally group all motions together, simply observing that an object is moving or that it is not moving. Actually, there is an extraordinary diversity of motion, ranging from the very simple to the extremely complicated. Fortunately, the complex motions—ones more common in our everyday experiences—can be understood as combinations of simpler ones. For example, the earth’s motion is a combination of a daily rotation about its axis and an annual revolution around the sun. Or, closer to home, the motion of a football can be treated as a combination of a vertical rise and fall, a horizontal movement, and a spinning about an axis.

We therefore begin our discussion of motion by trying to describe and understand the simplest kinds of motion. This will yield a conceptual framework within our world view from which even the most complicated motions, such as those associated with a hurricane or with a turbulent waterfall, can be understood.

