1.You’d better take some more tablets with you_________(以防在旅行的路上生病).

2.(负责市场营销部的经理最近辞职了)________________, for he had a conflict with the boss over the marketing strategy.

3.Confused at the instructions on the bottle,  ______________(病人向大夫咨询每次服药的剂量).

4.If you haven’t made sufficient preparation, _____________(就不可能有成功的机会).

5.Not until I got betrayed by Joe ___________________(我才明白我一直把他错当成亲密的朋友).

6.Coal is a plentiful energy source__________________(和诸如石油之类的其他能源相比).

7.The hotel is _______________________(比我们上个月待过的那家高级).

8.Having considered this problem more carefully,________________________( 他非常后悔做出了这个草率的决定).

9.One’s educational level will ______________________(对于他的就业前景起到大为不同的作用).

10.People expect that __________________________(国民经济能够恢复到金融危机之前的繁荣水平).

11. (不可否认)___________ more and more students choose to study abroad.   

12.(虽然他年龄很小)___________, he has been abroad for three years.

13. Developing countries still have a long way to go in economic development ___________(与发达国家相比).

14. After being caught, the thief ___________ (被控盗窃).

15. It is time that ___________(政府和个人共同努力保护环境).

16. If they were to arrive before we depart the day after tomorrow, _____________(我们就隆重地开个晚餐会).

17. Different people attach different meanings to life, ______________(很难取得一致的看法).

18. For those professionals who are engaged in management, ____________________(与人共事的能力要比扎实的专业技能更重要).

19. For students eager to be useful to society, ___________________________(没有任何地方的教育比大学里的更好了) --studying there is like bathing yourself in the oceans of knowledge.

20. _________________ (他真正希望得到的东西) is encouragement from his parents and teachers.