沪江英乐:《Did I Make The Most of Loving You》为大热英剧《唐顿庄园》的主题曲,曲风清澈,宁静中暗藏玄机,充满英伦风情,古典弦乐和钢琴的融合美满而和谐。

《唐顿庄园》第一季讲述了1912-1914年,乔治五世时期,唐顿庄园的Grantham伯爵一家,由家产继承问题而引发的种种纠葛和摩擦, 呈现了英国上层贵族与其仆人们在森严的等级制度下的人间百态。第二季从1916年的索姆河战役到1918年康边停战协定,展现了战争时期家族的纷争和儿女情感的纠葛。9月16日,第三季《唐顿庄园》重磅回归,大表哥和大小姐终成眷侣,唐顿庄园的未来将何去何从,我们一起拭目以待!



Did I make the most of loving you?
So many things we didn’t do.
Did I give you all my heart could give?
Two unlived lives with lives to live.
When these endless, lonely days are through,
I’ll make the most of loving you.
I’ll make the most of loving you.

Did we make the most of all we had?
Not seeing you makes my heart sad.
Did we make the most of summer days?
We still have time to change our ways.
When these endless, lonely days are through,
I’ll make the most of loving you.
I’ll make the most of loving you.
I’ll make the most of loving you.
I’ll make the most of loving you.

Did those tender words stay in my head?
So many things were left unsaid.
Did I give you all my heart could give?
Two unlived lives with lives to live.
When these endless, lonely days are through,
I’ll make the most of loving you.
I’ll make the most of loving you.
I’ll make the most of loving you.
I’ll make the most of loving you.