Learning is a lifelong process. We are fortunate to have all these resources and opportunities online. Don’t waste them; make the best use of them instead.

1. Read selectively on a wide range of subjects

The first level deals with the widest range of subjects. Here you need to follow many different fields so that you know what’s going on out there. To do that without consuming too much time, you need to be selective in what you read.The nice thing about this method is that even just reading the titles can give you some understanding of what’s going on in a field.

2. Dig deeper into promising subjects

By doing the first step, you will notice a few things that seem promising. They could be an emerging trend, a new tool, a new market, or whatever it is that can take your work or life to the next level.

When you find such a thing, you may want to spend more time to learn about it. Here are a two things that you can do:watch the YouTube videos and read people’s opinions at social media sites.

3. Take an online course

When I got interested in iOS app business, this is what I did. I took an online course on iOS app development. I watched all the videos and did all the exercises. Taking an online course takes a lot of time though, so you should do this only for a few selected subjects.

4. Create a real-world project

This is the deepest level and, in my opinion, a necessary step to really master something. Taking a course is good, but nothing can substitute the learning experiences you will get from being in the real world.So, if you want to master something, create something real.