当今科技日益发达,不论是学校的课堂教育还是企业的产品评估(product review process),PowerPoints都做为重要的展示手段。人们通过一张张的幻灯片(show a bunch of slides)传播自己的看法和思想。而作为科技巨子的乔布斯又对这一展示手段有何看法呢?是加倍欣赏还是极力禁止(ban PowerPoints)?这一期,带你走近乔布斯的PowerPoints无用论(I hate the way people use slide presentations instead of thinking)。
He also enlisted a friend, Phil Schiller, who had worked at Apple but was then at the graphics software company Macromedia."Steve would summon the teams into the boardroom, which seats twenty, and they would come with thirty people and try to show PowerPoints, which Steve didn't want to see,"Schiller recalled. One of the first things Jobs did during the product review process was ban PowerPoints. "I hate the way people use slide presentations instead of thinking," Jobs later recalled. "People would confront a problem by creating a presentation. I wanted them to engage, to hash things out at the table, rather than show a bunch of slides. People who know what they're talking about don't need PowerPoint." (Chapter 25 Think Different: Product Line Review)
他还征用了好友菲尔-席勒。席勒曾在苹果工作过,但那时他正就职于图形软件公司Macromedia。他回忆时说:“乔布斯经常把团队召集到一个只有二十个座位的会议室,但通常会来三十个人展示他根本不想看的PPT。” 乔布斯在产品评估过程做的第一件事就是禁止使用PowerPoint。他曾表示:“我讨厌人们只放映幻灯片而不思考这种做派。每遇到一个问题,他们就做幻灯片。但我需要的是:深入问题,当场拿出方案,并非只放幻灯片。知道自己在讲什么的人,不需要PowerPoint。”
1.Phil Schiller
Macromedia, 成立于1992年,2005年被adobe公司收购。Macromedia公司通过广泛的用户群体和行业合作伙伴将Macromedia产品的应用拓展到网上出版、多媒体开发、图形图像处理、远程视频、多平台发布等领域。Macromedia的主要软件产品包括:Macromedia Director、Macromedia Dreamweaver、Macromedia Fireworks、Macromedia Flash、Macromedia Flash Player、Macromedia FlashMX等。Macromedia公司的软件产品被全球数以百万计的开发人员和设计人员所使用,为他们提供了高效地创造互联网上最为有效的用户体验。
vi. 1.滑,滑动
3.悄悄地走[Q][(into/out of)]
vt. 1.使滑动,使滑行
n. 1.雪崩;山崩;土崩
vt. 对抗, 使面对, 遭遇, 使对质, 比较
be confronted with 面临,面对……
out 想办法解决,仔细讨论
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- 乔布斯
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