New Girl’s second season is shaping up to be more fun than a game of True American. On top of all the amazing casting spoilers so far comes a new addition to the ever-growing guest star pool.

Entertainment Weekly reports that Justified’s Raymond Barry is set to play an older inebriated man who tells Nick (Jake Johnson) that he’s Nick’s future self. Although we don’t really see the resemblance, we bet Nick takes the guy at face value. The show is also looking to cast Winston’s (Lamorne Morris) sister Alisha, a member of the Los Angeles Sparks WNBA team. According to TVLine, Schmidt — in a completely unshocking twist — “will be All. Over. That.”

Even better, Alisha doesn’t return the feelings and whoops his ass in a game of one-on-one. (Schmidt will likely be shirtless, which probably won’t help his pride.) TVLine also teases some romantic drama for Jess in the form of three dates made under two different names. Blame it on the pink wine?

沪江娱乐快讯:《杰茜驾到》第二季的情节可比之前那个叫True American的游戏有趣多了。在各种剧透当中,最抓人眼球的莫过于各路客串明星了。

据《娱乐周刊》报导,《火线警探》男星雷蒙德•巴里(Raymond Barry)将出演一位醉醺醺的老汉,他会降临这群年轻人的生活然后告诉尼克(Nick,Jake Johnson杰克•强森 饰)自己就是未来的他。尽管没人觉得他们长得相像,但是我们打赌尼克一定会对他的话信以为真。

温斯顿(Winston,Lamorne Morris勒蒙•莫里斯 饰)的妹妹艾丽西娅也会在第二季中出镜,出演一位洛杉矶鲨鱼蓝球女队的球员。根据TVLine的消息,施密特(Schmidt)将在一连串意料之中的转折之后——“对她彻底释怀”。更好的是,艾丽西娅对施密特并没有感觉,还在一场一对一的游戏中狠宰了他一顿。(施密特那时候大概是光着上身的,不过毫无man感可言)