It's déjà vu all over again! Yesterday, after Lindsay Lohan went shopping at Chanel in Beverly Hills, she reportedly rear-ended a Ford Mustang at a traffic light on Sunset Boulevard.

Lindsay was driving her black Porsche at the time. A photographers told X17, "Lindsay was not driving dangerously -- it was merely a minor accident in bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic in the Sunset Plaza neighborhood."

The star of Liz & Dick hit a Ford Mustang with a Nevada license plate. Considering cops weren't called to the scene, it sounds like the photog was right -- minor fender bender where no one was hurt. Inside the Chateau Marmont, Lindsay and the driver exchanged insurance information.

Keep in mind she's had a string of car accidents lately. Last month she totaled her car in a speeding accident in California! Here's hoping she has a clean driving track record in the month of August.

沪江娱乐快讯:仿佛是事故重现!昨天(7月25日),林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan)去比华利山的香奈儿专卖店购物后,在日落大道上与一辆福特野马跑车在交通灯位置相撞。事发当时,林赛·罗韩驾驶着黑色保时捷。一个摄影师报料说:“ 林赛并没有危险驾驶,这只是一起在交通高峰时期发生在日落广场临近的车挨车的轻微事故。”

这位出演《丽兹与迪克》(Liz &Dick)的女星驾车撞上了一辆持有内华达州车牌的福特野马汽车。由于现场没有警察介入,那位摄影师的话应该是准确的,这只是一起无人受伤的轻微交通事故。在日落大道上的夏特蒙特(Chateau Marmont)酒店里,林赛和另一位司机交换了彼此的保险信息。
