
1.Play outside 出去玩

2.Go to summer school 参加暑期学校 

3.Go campling 去野营 

4.Go swimming 去游泳 

5.Do gymnastics 做体育运动 

6.Play baseball 打棒球 

7.Go to the beach 去海边 

8.Go fishing 去钓鱼 

9.Go to the library 去图书馆 

10.Play with your cousins 和表兄妹玩 

11.Watch birds 观察小鸟 

12.Pick flowers 采花 

13.Put a puzzle together 玩拼图 

14.Catch butterflies or bugs 抓蝴蝶或者虫子 

15.Make a paper airplane 做纸飞机 

16.Wash the car 洗车 

17.Climb a tree 爬树 

18.Sing a song 唱歌 

19.Call your grandparents 给爷爷奶奶外公外婆打电话 

20.Have fun!!!玩得开心!!!! 
