While Demi Lovato has been pretty open in discussing her eating disorder and trip to rehab, but in the August issue of Self magazine she discusses the things that made her cut herself for the first time.
The new "X Factor" judge answers a series of questions from readers ranging from what it's like to work on the FOX show ("so much fun!") to what she learned in rehab. On the latter point, she says, "I've spent the past two years getting over an eating disorder and issues like self-harming and bipolar disorder. Unlike a person who doesn't have these problems, I have to work on this stuff every day. I'm reminded of that whenever I eat or feel down."
More from the Self interview:
On self-harming: "There were times I felt so anxious, almost like I was crawling out of my skin, that if I didn't do something physical to match the way I felt inside, I would explode. I cut myself to take my mind off that. I just didn't care what happened. I had no fear."
Her relationship with fellow former Disney star Selena Gomez: "Selena and I aren't as close as we used to be, but she'll always have a place in my heart."
Being diagnosed as bipolar: "Finding out I had a real emotional disorder helped me put together the pieces of the puzzle. I remember being on my tour bus thinking, 'My life is so awesome right now, but I'm so depressed.' Then, a few days later, I'd be on top of the world. It was really confusing. When I got diagnosed, my life made more sense."
Working on being happy: "You can choose to work toward happiness or not. I used to expect it to come to me, but it takes more than seeing a therapist once a week. I make time for myself and meditate. And I haven't used my cell in three months! Subconsciously, it was a crutch. When a room gets quiet, what do you do? Grab your phone! Now I can sit and have conversations with people."
沪江娱乐快讯:尽管黛米•洛瓦托(Demi Lovato)一向不避谈自己的饮食失调症和康复院之旅,但在八月版的《Self》杂志里她首次谈到了自残的原因。
这位《X音素》("X Factor")新晋评委回答了一系列来自读者的提问,包括担任《X音素》评委的感受(“太有意思了!”),以及在康复院期间的收获等等。谈到后面这个问题,黛米说道:“过去两年里,我一直在克服饮食失调和自残、躁郁等问题。和没有此类困扰的人不同,我每天都得应对这些问题,每每吃饭或情绪低落我都深受影响。”此外,黛米还向《Self》杂志讲述了许多心路历程。关于自残问题她说道:“有几回我感到非常焦虑,那种情绪几乎要撑破我的皮囊,以致于我感觉如果不对身体做点什么去迎合这种它的话,我会爆炸的。我不想再焦虑所以拿刀子割了自己,压根不去管也不害怕这样做会有什么后果。”
谈到与同为迪士尼童星出身的赛琳娜.戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)之间的友谊,黛米说:“赛琳娜和我确实没像以前那么亲密了,但我心里永远有个位置属于她。”
- 相关热点:
- 现代大学英语精读第一册