校训: 2000 Predecessors established in 1895.
类别: Public
名誉校长: Sir Paul Reeves
现任校长: Derek McCormack
所在地: Auckland, New Zealand
University Population
In 2006 AUT had 22,000 students. A significant proportion were studying Bachelors degree or above (64.2%) and were full-time (64%),giving a total of 15,382 full time equivalent students. Approximately 2,980 international students attended the university in 2006. In 2006 there were 942 full time equivalent academic staff and 828 full time equivalent administrative and support staff.
General Information
The process through which AUT was recognised as a university was controversial, as (for instance) it had an inadequate library at the time, and some students were given access to the University of Auckland's library as a stopgap measure. AUT's library grew rapidly and its size was not a significant factor with respect to the disciplines in which AUT taught and researched.
Despite controversial beginnings, the university is now well established. It promotes itself as an advocate of innovative approaches to teaching, learning and research. In particular its focus is on providing a pragmatic 'real world' approach, ensuring excellence in learning, teaching and developing outstanding graduates for practice in their chosen fields. In practice this reflects the continuing survival of vocational type courses and an emphasis upon student development towards employment. For this reason links with employers continue to be fostered.
AUT claims that it maintains very high levels of graduate employment in comparison to other NZ universities, though the statistical basis for this claim has been disputed.
Since becoming a university, AUT has invested heavily in infrastructure, staffing and programmes. It is half way through its $245 million building programme on both the Wellesley and Akoranga Campuses. Since 2000, new engineering, design, library, and business buildings have been constructed.
AUT has two campuses - Wellesley (Auckland CBD) and Akoranga (North Shore). Both campuses have student accommodation next door for a relatively small number of students. AUT runs a shuttle bus between these 2 campuses. AUT also maintains its own technology park in Penrose, Auckland City. Plans are also in place for a third campus in Manukau City.
Wellesley Campus
The Wellesley campus spreads over several sites in the heart of central Auckland. The main campus is situated on Mayoral Drive, Wellesley Street, Symond and St Paul Street. The Faculties of Applied Humanities, Business, Design and Creative Technologies, and Te Ara Poutama, and the Applied Sciences division share this location.
The Applied Humanities and Design and Creative Technologies faculties also share a building on the corner of Wakefield Street and Rutland Street.
Akoranga Campus
The Akoranga campus is located on Akoranga Drive on the North Shore. The Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences (including the Sport and Recreation division) and School of Education share this campus, which has attractive park-like grounds. AUT's main sport and recreation centre is located at this campus.
Technology Park
The AUT Technology Park is located in Penrose, Auckland. It is used for developing innovative start-up businesses and for postgraduate student research. AUT also has several internationally prominent IT research centres situated at this tech park. These are the Knowledge Engineering and Discovery Research Institute (KEDRI), Institute of Information Technology Research (IITR), Software Engineering Research Lab (SERL) and the Centre for Research on Information Systems Management (CRISM).