It's unclear exactly when Grey's Anatomy Season 9 will pick up relative to where May's finale left off, but the show is now casting for two new surgeons in the wake of this spring's tragic death and departures.

Two new surgeons to be hired at Seattle Grace Mercy West this season:

1.Dr. Parker, described as an elite physician in his 40s or 50s

2.Dr. Mel Barnett, a slightly younger surgeon than Parker

And then there's this additional casting note: Seattle Grace is reportedly looking for two medical professionals, a man and a woman, who are “smart” but “not Hollywood handsome / pretty.”

No word on how regular these characters will be, or how they will fit in with the main cast, but we welcome your theories, as well as thoughts on who you think should play them, below!

沪江娱乐快讯:虽然目前尚未得知《实习医生格蕾》(Grey's Anatomy)第九季何时开播,也不知道这一季将如何解开第八季季终集在五月时留下的悬念,但经历了莱西(Lexie)的不幸离世还有泰迪(Teddy)的离开之后,本剧现在需要新鲜血液的加入。

以下就是将于第九季来到圣西典医院(Seattle Grace Mercy West)的两位外科医生:


2.梅尔·巴内特(Mel Barnett)医生,外科医生,比帕克医生年轻一些。

此外,本剧对出演这两个角色的演员还有一个额外要求:据报道,西雅图圣恩医院(Seattle Grace)正在寻找两位专业医生,男女各一名。要求“头脑敏捷”,但“不要帅哥或美女”。
