The star of "Magic Mike" was recently accused by two former stripping colleagues that he used their real-life stories and patented stripper moves (one of which is called "The Hot Seat") without their permission in the upcoming Steven Soderbergh-directed film. Thomas "Awesome" Austin and London Steele, who Tatum worked with during his brief time stripping in Tampa, Florida, were upset that they weren't involved in the production or consulted for accuracy, going so far as to call Tatum an "amateur" who "only danced for four months."

Despite this, Tatum's taking the high road and not letting their sexy slander get him down.

"Those guys have been trying to make money off of me since I got into this business", Tatum told the Hollywood Reporter (and by money, he presumably means more than just a few singles). "There's not one character that I took from my real life. This is just a world that I went into, and I had a perspective on… we created everything from a fictional place."

Tatum goes onto call Austin and Steele "interesting, intriguing and bizarre characters."

"Magic Mike" which also stars Matthew McConaughey, Adam Rodriguez, Alex Pettyfer, Joe Manganiello and Matt Bomer, hits theaters this Friday.

沪江娱乐快讯:钱宁·塔图姆(Channing Tatum)是演员,是电影制作人,是舞者,是模特,但他绝不是小偷。

最近,两位与钱宁共事过的脱衣舞男指控这位在电影《魔力麦克》(Magic Mike)中大秀性感身材的演员在这部由史蒂文·索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)执导的新电影中未经允许就擅自盗用了他们的真实经历与他们的专利舞步(其中一个叫做“The Hot Seat”)。钱宁在佛罗里达坦帕市(Tampa, Florida)做脱衣舞男时的同事托马斯·奥斯丁(Thomas Austin)与兰登斯·蒂尔(London Steele)因为没有参与电影制作,以及电影情节不真实而感到非常恼火。他们甚至还说钱宁只是个“仅仅只跳了四个月”的“业余舞男”。


“从我进入演艺圈以后,那些人就一直想从我身上赚钱,”钱宁告诉好莱坞记者报(The Hollywood Reporter)。“我根本就没在电影里影射任何一个现实生活中的人。这部电影只是关于一个我曾经历的世界以及我的一些感受......电影里的一切都是虚构的。”


马修·麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey),亚当·罗德里格兹(Adam Rodriguez),亚历克斯·帕蒂弗(Alex Pettyfer),乔·曼根尼罗(Joe Manganiello)以及马特·波莫(Matt Bomer)也在本片中献上了火辣表演。《魔力麦克》将于本周五登陆影院。