

Donations to charity plummeted to 49.5 billion yuan ($7.86 billion) in 2011, a decline of 17.7 percent year-on-year, according to an annual report released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Thursday. The report mainly reflected donations in terms of money and materials to non-governmental organizations and civil affairs departments. 


上述新闻中的“non-governmental organization”简写“NGO”,意为“民间组织”。广义的民间组织是指除党政机关、企事业单位以外的社会中介性组织,如:红十字会。从“郭美美事件”之后,中国公益慈善组织一直遭国民质疑,捐款数目急剧下滑也在情理之中。尽管人们依旧对红基会有着种种不满,但无奈的是,在中国,似乎没有比它透明度更高的公募基金会。民政部正抓紧出台《慈善捐助信息公开管理办法》,对慈善捐助信息公开进行刚性规范和执行。


1、the Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部

2、Red Cross 红十字会

3、in terms of 从……方面看
例句:Think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them.


The group was vulnerable because it was small and weak, and not registered as a nongovernment organization with the Chinese authorities.

The country has some nongovernmental organizations, but far fewer than the global average, and those that exist are restricted and dominated by the government.
这个国家有一些非政府组织,但是却远低于世界平均水平。 现存的这些或是被限或是受政府控制。

Nayar’s team presented a plan under which the villagers in their case study pushed village authorities to put pressure on central government and got nongovernmental organizations to help.