Say what you will about CBS’ “Elementary”, their attempt at a Sherlock Holmes TV series, but I like the idea of a druggie, boozy Sherlock Holmes. I know Benedict Cumberbatch (awesome name, that) has the whole “slick, dysfunctional genius Sherlock Holmes” down with the BBC’s “Sherlock”, but the notion of a Sherlock Holmes stuck in America who is possibly even more disastrous than the people whose murders he’s trying to solve is kinda cool. And unique. Let’s face it, if it was just a carbon copy of the BBC show, everyone would be crying foul, and for good reason.
Here’s another look at Lucy Liu and Jonny Lee Miller, aka Watson and Holmes, respectively, from the upcoming show. Michael Cuesta of “Homeland” fame directed the pilot episode, which finds Watson being hired by Holmes’ father to be his sober buddy. Instead, he pulls her into his world of crime solving. Hey, beats listening to people talk about their problems in AA, right?
“Elementary”, which co-stars Aidan Quinn as Holmes’ cop contact, arrives this Fall on CBS.
沪江娱乐快讯:随你怎么评价CBS版的福尔摩斯新剧《Elementary》,我倒觉得这位嗜酒成性的夏洛克很带感。是的,在BBC版《新福尔摩斯》(Sherlock)中,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇已经将这位天才到变态的超级侦探演绎的深入人心。但在《Elementary》中,约翰尼·李·米勒饰演的夏洛克不仅生活在美国,而且他的生活很可能比他手下案件当事人的经历还要悲催。这样的故事线似乎很酷呢 。