Part III Listening Comprehension

Section C

Students have been complaining more and more about stolen property. Radios, cell phones, bicycles, pocket calculators and books have all been reported stolen. Are there enough campus police to do the job? There are 20 offices in the campus security division. Their job is to handle crime, accidents, lost and found items, and traffic problems on campus. More than half of their time is spent directing traffic and writing parking tickets. Responding promptly to accidents and other emergencies is important, but it is their smallest job. Dealing with crime takes up the rest of their time. Very rarely did any violent crimes actually occur.

In the last five years there have been no murders, seven robberies, and about sixty other violent attacks, most of these involving fights at parties. On the other hand, there have been hundreds of thefts and cases of deliberate damaging of public property, which usually involves breaking windows or lights, or writing on walls. The thefts are not the carefully planned burglaries that you see in movies. Things get stolen when it is just easy to steal them because they are left lying around unwatched. Do we really need more police?Hiring more campus police would cost money, possibly making our tuition go up again. A better way to solve this problem might be for all of us to be more careful with our things.

浅析:试题中的听力理解部分历来是很多学生的薄弱环节,复合式听写,更是让很多同学头痛,今年四级考试复合式听考查的是一篇关于stolen property on campus(校园偷窃)的话题。从文章内容来看,要完全听懂,不是一件容易的事。其中,含有一些复杂的句式结构,较之短对话和长对话,在难度上增加了许多。在做此部分时,很多同学面临这样一个问题:要么是听不懂,要么是听懂了写不出来,要么是写出来却写不准确。针对这种情况,针对这种情况,希望同学牢记这么一个原则:用最简单、最少的单词,写出最完整的含义。
