《虎胆龙威5》转战俄罗斯 剧情聚焦父子关系
We already knew that "A Good Day To Die Hard" is headed to Russia, but what we didn't realize is that it's almost exclusively set there.
MTV News recently caught up with Fox CEO Tom Rothman at CinemaCon to chat about the many films the studio has on its roster, and he confirmed that "Die Hard 5" is gearing up to start this week. Even though its setting will be a departure from the previous "Die Hard" movies, Rothman feels this one keeps in tone with the classic installments of the series.
"It's all set in Russia -- well, there's bookend scenes in New York," Rothman said. "But it's John McClaine goes to Russia and I think the technical term -- which I don’t know if you can say on MTV, maybe you can -- is he f--ks everything up."
He might be, ahem, messing everything up, but there's one new character who's going to be there to bring it all back together. "A Good Day To Die Hard" introduces John "Jack" McClaine, the estranged son of Bruce Willis' character, and apparently the dynamic between the two of them is going to be a blast to watch on the big screen.
"The fun part about it though, 'A Good Day To Die Hard' -- and there's a great moment where he says, 'It's as good a day as any to die' -- but it's really a father/son story," Rothman said. "He thinks his kid is a screw up, but it's actually the opposite. The kid is more like the father than the father. Like all the best of the classic 'Die Hards,' it's very emotionally driven, and very kick ass."
"A Good Day To Die Hard" is scheduled to hit theaters on February 14, 2013.
沪江娱乐快讯:2007年的《虎胆龙威4》将阔别12年的经典动作系列片重新拉回到了大银幕,其成功紧接着也促成了第五部的投拍。20世纪福克斯CEO汤姆·罗斯曼(Tom Rothman)向媒体透露了关于此片的更多细节,曾执导《马克思·佩恩》的约翰·摩尔将出任本片导演,另外还有一枚新增惊喜角色,就是由Jai Courtney饰演的麦克雷恩的儿子。
曾经出演《斯巴达克斯:复仇》的Jai Courtney将饰演麦克雷恩的儿子,剧情设置上是安排了麦克雷恩去俄罗斯保释他出狱,这让麦克雷恩断定这个孩子肯定是玩物丧志。但见面之后才知道两个人是一脉相承,惩恶扬善这件事情上,他儿子简直就是自己的年轻加强版。