Passage Three
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.
     What might driving on an automated highway be like? The answer depends on what kind of system is ultimately adopted. Two distinct types are on the drawing board. The first is a specialpurpose lane system, in which certain lanes are reserved for automated vehicles. The second is a mixed traffic system: fully automated vehicles would share the road with partially automated or manual driven cars. A specialpurpose lane system would require more extensive physical modifications to existing highways, but it promises the greatest gains in freeway(高速公路)capacity.
Under either scheme, the driver would specify the desired destination, furnishing this information to a computer in the car at the beginning of the trip or perhaps just before reaching the automated highway. If a mixed traffic system way was in place, automated driving could begin whenever the driver was on suitably equipped roads. If specialpurpose lanes were available, the car could enter them and join existing traffic in two different ways. One method would use a special onramp(入口引道).
As the driver approached the point of entry for the highway, devices installed on the roadside would electronically check the vehicle to determine its destination and to ascertain that it had the proper automation equipment in good working order. Assuming it passed such tests, the driver would then be guided through a gate and toward an automated lane. In this case, the transition from manual to auto mated control would take place on the entrance ramp. An alternative technique could employ conventional lanes, which would be shared by automated and regular vehicles. The driver would steer onto the highway and move in normal fashion to a "transition'lane. The vehicle would then shift under computer control onto alane reserved for automated traffic. (The limitation of these lanes to automated traffic would, presumably, be well respected, because all trespassers(非法进入者) could be swiftly identified by authorities.)
     Either approach to joining a lane of automated traffic would harmonize the movement of newly entering vehicles with those already traveling. Automatic control here should allow for smooth merging without the usual uncertainties and potential for accidents. And once a vehicle had settled into autmated travel, the driverwould be free to release the wheel, open the morning paper or just relax.

21. We learn from the first paragraph that two systems of automated highways ________.
A) are being planned
B) are being modified
C) are now in wide use
D) are under construction 

22. A specialpurpose lane system is probably advantageous in that ________.
A) it would require only minor changes to existing highways
B) it would achieve the greatest highway traffic efficiency
C) it has a lane for both automated and partially automated vehicles
D) it offers more lanes for automated vehicles 

23. Which of the following is true about driving on an automated highway?
A) Vehicles traveling on it are assigned different lanes according to their
B) A car can join existing traffic any time in a mixed lane system.
C)The driver should inform his car computer of his destination before driving onto
D) The driver should share the automated lane with those of regular vehicles.

24. We know from the passage that a car can enter a specialpurpose lane________.
A) by smoothly merging with cars on the conventional lane
B) by way of a ramp with electronic control devices
C) through a specially guarded gate
D) after all trespassers are identified and removed 

25. When driving in an automated lane, the driver ________.
A) should harmonize with newly entering cars
B) doesn't have to rely on his computer system
C) should watch out for potential accidents
D) doesn't have to hold on to the steering wheel 

Passage Four
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.
     Taking charge of yourself involves putting to rest some very prevalent myths. At the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is measured by your ability to solve complex problems; to read, write and compute at certain levels;and to resolve abstract equations quickly. This vision of intelligence asserts formal education and bookish excellence as the true measures of selffulfillment. It encourages a kind of intellectual prejudice that has brought with it some discouraging results. We have come to believe that someone who has more educational merit badges, who is very good at some form of school discipline is"intelligent." Yet mental hospitals are filled with patients who have all of the properly lettered certificates. A truer indicator of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived each day and each present moment of every day.
      If you are happy, if you live each moment for everything it's worth, then you are an intelligent person. Problem solving is a useful help to your happiness, but if you know that given your inability to resolve a particular concern you can still choose happiness for yourself, or at a minimum refuse to choose unhappiness, then you are intelligent. You are intelligent because you have the ultimate weapon against the big N. B. D. --Nervous Break Down.
      "Intelligent'people do not have N.B.D.'s because they are in charge of themselves. They know how to choose happiness over depression, because they know how to deal with the problems of their lives.
      You can begin to think of yourselfas truly intelligent on the basis of how you choose to feel in the face of trying circumstances. The life struggles are pretty much the same for each of us. Every one who is involved with other humanbeings in any social context has similar difficulties. Disagreements, conflictsand compromises are a part of what it means to be human. Similarly, money, growing old,sickness, deaths, natural disasters and accidents are all events which present problems to virtually all human beings. But some people are able to make it, to avoid immobilizing depression and unhappiness despite such occurrences, while others collapse or have an N. B.D. Those who recognize problems as a human condition and don' t measure happiness by an absence of problems are the most intelligent kind of humans we know; also, the most rare.

26. According to the author, the conventional notion of intelligence measured in terms
of one' s ability to read, write and compute ________.
A) is a widely held but wrong concept
B) will help eliminate intellectual prejudice
C) is the root of all mental distress
D) will contribute to one's selffulfillment 

27. It is implied in the passage that holding a university degree ________.
A) may result in one's inability to solve complex reallife problems
B) does not indicate one's ability to write properly worded documents
C) may make one mentally sick and physically weak
D) does not mean that one is highly intelligent 

28. The author thinks that an intelligent person knows ________.
A) how to put up with some very prevalent myths
B) how to find the best way to achieve success in tire
C) how to avoid depression and make his life worthwhile
D) how to persuade others to compromise 

29. In the last paragraph, the author tells us that ________.
A) difficulties are but part of everyone's life
B) depression and unhappiness are unavoidable in life
C) everybody should learn to avoid trying circumstances
D) good feelings can contribute to eventual academic excellence 

30. According to the passage, what kind of people are rare?
A) Those who don't emphasize bookish excellence in their pursuit of happiness.
B) Those who are aware of difficulties in life but know how to avoid unhappiness.
C) Those who measure happiness by an absence of problems but seldom suffer from N.
B. D. ' s.
D) Those who are able to secure happiness though having to struggle against trying
circumstances. 

PartIII                Vocabulary                (20 minute)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) . Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 

31. Starting with the ________ that there is life on the planet Mars, the seientst
went on to develop his argument.
A) premise
B) pretext
C) foundation
D) presentation

32. After several nuclear disasters, a ________ has raged over the safety of nuclear
A) quarrel
B) suspicion
C) verdict
D) controversy

33. Their diplomatic principles complely laid bare their ________ for world conquest.
A) admiration
B) ambition
C) administration

34. The director gave me his ________ that he would double my pay if I did my job well.
A) warrant
B) obligation
C) assurance
D) certainty

35. The Christmas tree was decorated with shining ________ such as colored lights and
glass balls.
A) ornaments
B) luxuries
C) exhibits
D) complements

36. The two most important ________ in making a cake are flour and sugar .
A) elements
B) components
C) ingredients
D) constituents

37. Cultural ________ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another.
A) translation
B) transition
C) transmission
D) transaction

38. We must look beyond ________ and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.
A) justifications
B) illusions
C) manifestations
D) specifications

39. No one imagined that the apparently ________ businessman was really a criminal. A) respective
B) respectable
C) respectful
D) realistic

40. If nothing is done to protect the environment, millions of spedes that are alive
today will have become ________ .
A) deteriorated
B) degenerated
C) suppressed
D) extinct

41. The ________ of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can suceeed in
understanding the universe.
A) essence
B) texture
C) content
D) threshold

42. The old lady has developed a ________ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.
A) perpetual
B) permanent
C) chronic
D) sustained

43. What the correspondent sent us is an ________ news report. We can depend on it
A) evident
B) authentic
C) ultimate
D) immediate

44. Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an
_______ force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations.
A) inspirational
B) educational
C) excessive
D) instantaneous

45. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly ______  to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather sensitive people.
A) subjective
B) subordinate
C) liable
D) vulnerable

46. Hurricanes are killer winds, and their ________ power lies in the physical damage
they can do.
A) cumulative
B) destructive
C) turbulent
D) prevalent

47. In some countries, students are expected to be quiet and ________ in the classroom.
A) skeptical
B) faithful
C) obedient
D) subsidiary

48. In spite of the ______economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.
A) gloomy
B) miserable
C) shadowy
D) obscure

49. Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in preliterate societies in order
to attract good health or to _______ disease.
A) set aside
B) ward off
C) shrug off
D) give away

50. The international situation has been growing _____difficult for the last few years.
A) invariably
B) presumably
C) increasingly
D) dominantly

51. The prisoner was ______ of his civil liberty for three years.
A) discharged
B) derived
C) deprived
D) dispatched

52. Small farms and the lack of modern technology have ______ agricultural production.
A) blundered
B) tangled
C) bewildered
D) hampered

53. The Japanese scientists have found that scents ______ efficiency and reduce stress  among office workers.
A) enhance
B) amplilf
C) foster
D) magnify

54. All the students have to ______to the rules and regulations of the school.
A) confirm
B) confront
C) confine
D) conform

55. He ______ his head, wondering how to solve the problem
A) scrapped
B) screwed
C) scraped
D) scratched

56. As soon as the boy was able to earn his own living he ______ his parents' strict
A) defied
B) refuted
C) excluded
D) vetoed

57. The helicopter a light plane and both pilots were killed.
A) coincided with
B) stumbled on
C) tumbled to
D) collided with

58. To ______ is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good
condition that others may also share the enjoyment.
A) conserve
B) conceive
C) convert
D) contrive

59. Put on dark glasses or the sun will ______ you and you won' t be able to see.
A) discern
B) distort
C) distract
D) dazzle

60. In ______ times human beings did not travel for pleasure but to find a more
favourable climate.
A) prime
B) primitive
C) primary
D) preliminary