Professional sports are very popular in the United States and they are big business. The most popular sports are basketball, football and baseball. ___1___ has its own season. And ___2___ supporters. Professional teams are named for the cities ___3___ they are located. When a team plays in a championship game, most people in the city ___4___ the game with interest and enthusiasm. Basketball is ___5___ around the world. Professional basketball games in the US ___6___ indoors during winter months. From November to April ___7___ can find a professional basketball game several nights a week in most large ___8___ cities. Basketball is an American sport. It ___9___ the national pastime.

The game is played in the evening ___10___ every night of the week and ___11___ weekends as well. The season begins in April and ___12___ in the October. Football ___13___ most popular professional sport in the US. It is played on Sundays ___14___ the fall from August to January. American football is different ___15___ international football, ___16___ Americans called soccer. Both games require ___17___ and specialized skills. Professional players are very ___18___.The most famous players ___19___ millions of dollars for their playing skill. American best players have higher ___20___ than the country’s president.

1. A. Every                  B. Both                      C. Each                      D. All

2. A. million                 B. millions                  C. million of                D. millions of

3. A. when                   B. where                    C. who                       D. whose

4. A. follow                  B. walk                      C. run                         D. jump

5. A. well-known          B. well                       C. known                    D. fame

6. A. played                  B. is played                C. plays                       D. are played

7. A. somebody            B. one                        C. anyone                    D. everybody

8. A. America               B. England                 C. American                 D. English

9. A. was called            B. has been called       C. is called                   D. be called

10. A. nearly                 B. close                     C. closely                    D. near

11. A. at                       B. in                          C. on                          D. during

12. A. finish                  B. finishing                C. finished                   D. finishes

13. A. became               B. is become              C. is becoming             D. has become

14. A. during                 B. while                     C. on                          D. at

15. A. of                       B. from                      C. with                       D. about

16. A. when                  B. that                        C. where                     D. which

17. A. strong                 B. strength                  C. strengthen               D. stronger

18. A. well pay              B. good pay                 C. well paid                 D. good paid

19. A. make                  B. had                         C. got                         D. received

20. A. money                B. salaries                    C. pay                         D. wage


1. C。前面提到football, basketball 和 baseball 三种体育活动,此句指每项活动都有自己的季节。every不能作主语,both、each、all均能作句子的主语,但只有each表示单数意义。

2. D。millions of 后接可数名词复数,其余选项不可与名词复数连用。

3. B。由where(= in the cities)引导定语从句,从句意为:这些职业球队所在的城市。

4. A。follow 意为“注视、注意、倾听”,此处指多数城市里的人们带着兴趣和热情观看球赛。

5. A。well-known 意为“出名的”,句意为:篮球闻名于全世界。

6. D。play 意为“进行…比赛”。此句意为:在冬天的几个月里,美国职业球赛在室内进行,表示现阶段的情况。选A时态不符,选C主谓数不一致。

7. B。one 泛指某个人。

8. C。上下文均提到American。

9. B。此处宜用现在完成时,表示从过去到现在一直称篮球为国民消遣活动。

10. A。根据四个选项,只有nearly(几乎)可用于句中,表示几乎每个晚上。

11. C。weekend 前面用介词on。

12. D。此句意为:季节开始(begins)于四月,结束(finishes)于十月。这是由and并列两个谓语动词,形式上用一致。

13. D。此处宜用现在完成时表示从过去到现在足球都是十分流行的职业体育活动。

14. A。在秋季,可用in the fall或during the fall。

15. B。be different from 意为“与…不同”。

16. D。非限制性定语从句应由which(= football)引导,不用that。

17. B。篮球和足球都需要体力(strength)和技能(skills)。

18. C。由下文可知:职业运动员所得薪水很高,故选well paid。

19. A。make 意为“获得、挣得”。

20. B。pay 意为“工资”,普通用词。wage 意为“工资”指发给从事体力劳动者的工钱。salary 意为“薪金”,指发给做比较重要工作的、具有较高技术或从事脑力劳动的人员的工资,如公司职员、秘书、教师官员等,总统(president)属官员,故要选salary。

As my train was delayed for two hours, I had plenty of time to spare. After buying some newspapers to read on the journey, I made my way to the ___1___ office to collect my heavy suitcase I had ___2___ there three days before. There were only a few people ___3___, and I took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case. The receipt didn’t seem to be where I had left it. I ___4___ the contents, and railway tickets, money scraps of paper and photos fell out of it; but no matter how ___5___ I searched, the receipt was nowhere to be found.

When my turn came, I ___6___ the situation sorrowfully to the assistant. The man looked at me ___7___ as if to say that he had ___8___ this kind of story many times and asked me to ___9___ the case. I told him that it was an old, brown looking ___10___ no different from the many cases I could see on the shelves. The assistant then gave me ___11___ and told me to ___12___ of the chief contents of the case. If they were ___13___, he said, I could take the case away. I tried to ___14___ all the articles I had ___15___ packed into the case and wrote them down as they came to me.

After I had done this, I went to ___16___ among the shelves. There were hundreds of cases there. For one dreadful moment, it ___17___ to me that if someone had ___18___ the receipt up he could have easily claimed(认领) the case already. This hadn’t happened ___19___, for after a time I found the case lying in a corner. After examining the articles inside, the assistant was ___20___ and told me I could take the case away.


1. A. posting                B. working                C. luggage                  D. manager’s

2. A. left                      B. forgotten               C. found                    D. bought

3. A. standing               B. crowding              C. talking                   D. waiting

4. A threw                    B. put                       C. looked                   D. emptied

5. A. often                    B. much                   C. hard                      D. soon

6. A. said                      B. searched              C. spoke                    D. explained

7. A. now and then        B. up and down         C. here and there        D. back and forth

8. A. knew                    B. realized                 C. heard                    D. seen

9. A. describe                B. draw                    C. take out                 D. show

10. A. object                  B. matter                  C. subject                  D. wallet

11. A. a paper                B. a note                   C. a message             D. a form

12. A. sign names           B. make a list            C. write down           D. draw a picture

13. A. everything            B. wrong                  C. correct                 D. ready

14. A. draw                    B. remember             C. read                     D. remind

15. A. carelessly              B. suddenly              C. hurriedly               D. immediately

16. A. see                       B. watch                  C. find                      D. look

17. A. happened              B. occurred               C. appeared              D. seemed

18. A. picked                  B. collected               C. taken                   D. stolen

19. A. fortunately            B. unluckily               C. by chance            D. presently

20. A. disappointed          B. surprised              C. satisfied                D. worried


1. C。luggage office 意为“行李寄存处”,作者去领取小提箱(suitcase),可知他是去行李寄存处。

2. A。leave 意为“留下、委托”。这里表示把行李寄存在行李寄存处。

3. D。wait 意为“等候”。由后面的when my turn came(轮到我的时候)可知在行李寄存处已经有人排队等候了。

4. D。empty 意为“倒空”。这里表示把皮包里的东西全部倒出来,寻找寄存物品的收据(receipt)。

5. C。hard意为“努力地”。这里表示无论怎样努力寻找,可是哪儿也找不到。

6. D。explain意为“解释”。由于收据没有找到,只好向管理员解释情况。

7. B。look at sb up and down 意为“上下打量着某人”。

8. C。hear 意为“听说”。表示听说过这种故事。这里指管理员以前经常遇到类似的情况。

9. A。describe意为“描述”。由于没有收据,管理员就要作者描述他的手提箱的模样。

10. A。object意为“物体”。这里指手提箱。

11. D。a form意为“一份表格”。

12. B。make a list意为“列表”。因为没有收据,管理员就要作者把他的箱子里的东西列一份清单,以便证实该手提箱是作者本人的。

13. C。correct意为“正确的”。只有当清单上的东西的名称与手提箱内的物品相吻合时,才能取走手提箱。

14. B。remember意为“回忆起”。要写清单,就必须回忆起手提箱里所放的物品(articles)。

15. C。hurriedly 意为“匆忙地”。I had hurriedly packed into the case是定语从句,修饰articles,表示出发时匆忙。因此,现在要写清单,就需要尽力回忆。故选hurriedly与上下文相符。

16. D。look 意为“看”,强调看的动作。

17. B。occur 意为“被想到”。It occurs to sb that… 意为:某人想到…。

18. A。pick up 意为“拾起、捡起”。这里指作者突然想到要是收据被别人捡到,他就可能会把手提箱领走。

19. A。unfortunately 意为“幸亏”。句意为:幸亏手提箱没有被人领走。

20. C。satisfied 意为“满意的、信服的”。这里指经过物品与清单的核对,管理员确信了手提箱是作者的,因此让作者领走了。