Spring Blossoms

It's spring in Tianjin, and Ben Seeberger experiences a change in season



Spring is everywhere. From the sky, it falls in small white blossoms, fugitives from a rapid winter birth. In my community, the small greening garden bushes light up like stars in the dark sky. In the distance, a dust storm looms, hovering with impending doom. However, the pleasant scene of the spring flowers inside these brick walls quickly takes over and fills my heart with joy.

Later that day, my friend and I sit in a majestic church, listening as the voice of the pastor echoes in the wide space. Rays of dimmed sunlight fall between the pews and statues as the hour passes. I am slowly being refined through my weekly visits to this place, as if a hammer were knocking useless thoughts out of my head. I laugh a little at this because in many ways, I am going through the same changes as the flowers in my own garden. The spring wind is tearing away weak petals, leaving the flowers with strong roots and their special, hidden color.

Word Bank:

loom(v) 森然逼近,隐隐浮现
The rain clouds loomed in the distance as we walked to work.

impending(adj) 即将到来的,迫在眉睫的
Students in the library are hurriedly preparing for the impending exam.

refine(v) 使...改进
The professor's comments helped Samantha to refine her writing.

tear away(phr v) 扯去
Hold your bag close to prevent a thief from tearing it away from you in the market.


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