Creepy! Is this panda express or sth? What does he gonna do now? Why is a evil panda? Dude! What am I watching? Then there is the panda. What's evil panda gonna do now? What the heck? Never say no to the panda.

Question time! So, what kind bear was that? I forget what's called. A panda. Panda bear. Panda, I love pandas. What was the commercial for? I don't know. Panda stuff. Cheese? A brand called panda cheese.

What is panda cheese? I don't know, like cheese that pandas eat? Cheese made by pandas? Cheese that pandas made. They can't make milk. What were people doing that made panda show up? They said no the to panda cheese. Cause they said no to panda cheese which made panda mad. His brain is like evolved or sth, it's like planet of the apes.

Why is panda so mad about that? Cause he wants to make some money? He worked hard to make this cheese, now people dont eat it? He's like, I don't wanna do all this hard work for nothing. How would you describe particular panda there? Messy? He's not nice. A bully. Very persuasive, and adorable. Destructive, evil. I'm pretty sure he's possessed by the devil. He was like staring into my soul.

How was panda usually portrayed? They usually like so friendly. Fluffy, like nice. Cuddly, they are not mean. Cuddly, give you free hugs, which I like. Yea, I'm a panda. give me some peanut butter. Cute, nice! but did you know they sit on their own babies and kill them sometimes? Does this commercial makes you wanna buy panda cheese? I'm kinda scary not to now. I'd better before this panda comes in my room. And destroy my playstation. Why not? Cause it's probably taste like panda?

What would you do when you in the grocery then the panda show up? I'll run. Just run! he's fat, he's slow, he can't catch you. I'll pat the panda. I'll buy the cheese. I'll buy your cheese, just don't harm me. Call the cops, and handcuff them, then send the cops away, take him to an adoption place. I legally adopt him. The panda is not gonna show up. Why not? Cause there's millions of stores. The panda can't be at millions place at once? 

What was the song that keep play when the panda show up? It's a song about love, that doesn't fit in to the situation at all. Why would a foreign commercial had a song in English? I don't know, that's so weird. Maybe they like the song. Most countries learn english as second language? What country do you think this commercial are from? Panda bear country? Mexico? Saudi Arabia? Korea? China? Why do you think it's China? Well, cause pandas are Chinese. Japan. Was there any japanese person in the video? Yea, the first part, I think. Yea, it was in the first one, the guy in the hospital, right? Are you sure about that? You guys are giving me the face. Is it just because it's a panda? It's actually from Egypt. What? Egypt. Should the be a camel there or sth? They make commercial similar to this in United States? Not that I know of. Not really. I don't think so. I don't think so, do they?

There was a cereal called honeycomb, there was evil demon weasel thing. Like the allstate commercials, I'm your blind spot. Besides snickers commercial, I remember that chinese lady who comes spray snickers everywhere. Do you hope they make more commercials of this panda? More panda, fight for the panda. Yes! Please! Yes! Why do you wanna see more so badly? Because I wanna see what else the panda gonna do,he's on the massacre now. He has to keep going to all the kids who are listening to this. Never upset a panda!
有一个麦片的广告,里面有一只邪恶的鼬鼠。那个Allstate汽车保险广告 “我是的你盲点”。那个士力架广告,里面那个中国女士把士力架弄得到处都是。你喜欢他们拍更多熊猫广告吗?更多的熊猫,为熊猫奋斗!是的!拜托!是的!为什么你那么想看更多?我想看熊猫还会做什么,他现在已经杀红了眼。他已经停不下来了,提醒所有正在听的同学,永远不要惹怒熊猫!
