Director Michael Bay is taking a break from his lucrative Transformers franchise to make a smaller passion project entitled Pain and Gain, which is currently shooting in Miami. The first photos from the set have arrived featuring Mark Wahlberg as wall crunch enthusiast and bodybuilder Daniel Lugo. Click on these photos, which also show director Michael Bay working with the actor, to access our Pain and Gain gallery.

Pain and Gain is in development and stars Dwayne Johnson, Mark Wahlberg, Rob Corddry, Anthony Mackie, Ed Harris, Bar Paly, Tony Shalhoub. The film is directed by Michael Bay.


《付出与收获》根据健美先生的真实故事改编而成,马克·沃尔伯格和道恩·强森饰演的两位健美先生无辜卷入了一场敲诈勒索的勾当,可阴差阳错竟然演变成了绑票谋杀案。 以色列裔名模芭儿·帕丽饰演的萨布瑞娜是前选美皇后和美国境内的非法移民,抱着明星梦来到这里,希望有一天自己也能成为玛丽莲·梦露。据悉,影片集结了安东尼·麦凯、罗伯·考德瑞和艾德·哈里斯众多明星,《神探阿蒙》中的托尼·夏尔赫布也将现身本片出演绑架受害者,哈里斯则出演受私人侦探参与办案。