1. pay attention to  注意

pay high attention to 高度关注; 高度重视

e.g. Pisces people pay attention to how they feel .


e.g. Following a game , many parents and coaches pay attention to the outcome and find the faults with their performance .


2. attract one's attention 引起(注意,兴趣等)

3. lie / swim on one's back  仰卧/仰泳

小编注:在游泳比赛中,自由泳、仰泳、蛙泳、蝶泳、花样游泳分别被叫做freestyle, back-stroke, breast-stroke, butterfly,synchronized swimming. 下次看比赛时留意一下咯。

4. a bad cold  重感冒


Cold 感冒  Fever 发烧  Flu 流感  Headache 头疼

Stomachache 胃疼,肚子疼   Toothache 牙疼 Arthritis 关节炎

Diabetes 糖尿病  Cancer 癌症   Infection 传染病,感染  

Enteritis 肠炎   Break 骨折  Heart disease 心脏病

5. two pieces of baggage  两件行李

6. keep / lose one's balance  保持/失去平衡

keep the natural balance 保持自然平衡

Keep the Balance Nutrition 保持均衡营养

e.g. Squirrel ‘s tail can help him keep the balance when he’s jumping . Besides , he can use it as a quilt at night .


7. at the ball   在舞会上

8. have / take a cold bath   洗冷水澡