Words are so powerful and reflect our thoughts. Here are 6 words commonly used in our everyday conversations with ourselves and others that we need to monitor and change in order to bring about the future we really desire.


“I’ll try to get it finished by…” “I’ll try to catch up with you on Saturday”. Whenever I hear someone saying this, or even myself, then I know that they are not serious and it is not going to happen.

Try is a word that is devoid of commitment, leaving wide open the space for excuses to creep in and get in your way. No one created the life of their dreams and positive results by trying. They got theirs by doing and making it happen.

Make a clearer commitment instead by saying “I’ll have it done by…” “I am free at this time and I can meet you then…” or if need be, “I can’t promise anything but I will do my best to ….”

2. Wish

Wishing is sitting on your couch daydreaming, waiting for your lotto ball to drop or the fairy godmother to appear.

Change wish to “I will…” “I’m determined….”


3. I am

Be very careful how you use the term “I am” to define who you are. You are angry; you are depressed, you are happy. All of these things are temporary emotions that come and go. If you define yourself as being this way than that identity can have a tendency to stick and what will follow will be excuses such as “I can’t do this because I am depressed”

A better way to say it is “I feel angry. I feel depressed” This lets yourself know that it is a temporary feeling which could quite easily change.

4. If

How many times do you mutter, “If I get that promotion then…” “If the money arrives then…”“If” always presents the element of doubt. Doubt and insecurity don’t bring you what you want, certainty and confidence does.

So instead of “if”, simply make it “when”. “When I get that new job…. ” “When” signals that you are serious and committed and you believe that what you deserve is on its way to you.


5. Should

Again a promise word, “I should call my mother more.” “I should go to the gym tonight.” Should is rife with feelings of guilt and complacency.

You know you are never going to do it and by somehow saying that you recognize you should makes you feel better. It doesn’t really; the only thing that makes you feel better is doing it.

Should can be turned in to “I will…” or “I am going to…”

6. I can’t

We’ve all heard there is no such thing as can’t. As soon as your brain hears you say the word can’t, it goes on a holiday. It shuts down and celebrates because it no longer has to find a way to do it.

Choose your words carefully and you’ll soon learn that you can be, do, and have whatever you want.