在这个节目里,我们要请大家听Michael 和李华的对话,今天Michael和李华去一个夜总会听音乐,因为他们的朋友Jack要带他的乐队来演出。李华会学到 "to stick around" 和 "guilt trip" 。
Li Hua
Angie Summers
特别提示:文中Michael 为男声,Li Hua为女声,只需听写男生的英文对话部分即可,只听写Michael说的英文部分哦!!!中文部分不需要听写!!!
I know, Li Hua, the show isn't very good. But Jack's band is going to be playing soon. Let's stick around until their performance is over, ok? That's right. I said "let's stick around." that means to stay or remain in a place. Well, you remember Angie Summers, right? She finished her Ph.D. last spring, but has decided to stick around and do some post-doctoral work before she starts looking for a job. I don't know. Let's just stick around for another half hour or so. If Jack doesn't show up, we can leave. Yeah, I'm sorry about that, Li Hua. But if we hadn't waited for Jack to perform, he would have given us a huge guilt trip about it on Monday. No, I meant he'd make us feel guilty. That's right. A "guilt trip" means guilty feelings one has about doing something wrong. To "give someone a guilt trip" means to try and make him feel guilty. I agree. So when was the last time you had a guilt trip about something? Don't let him put a guilt trip on you. So why did you break up with him anyway? What? That's insane. I'm glad you broke up with him. Anyway, you'd better not try to make me feel guilty about him. That's better.
L: (Talking loudly over crowd) Michael! (coughs) 这个地方真让人难受,声音这么大,还有那么多人抽烟。这些乐队也真是够呛的! M: I know, Li Hua, the show isn't very good. But Jack's band is going to be playing soon. Let's stick around until their performance is over, ok? L: Jack的乐队什么时候来啊?哎,你说什么"stick around"? 你的意思就是先不要走,是不是? M: That's right. I said "let's stick around." that means to stay or remain in a place. L: 噢,to stick around就是在一个地方再呆一会儿。懂了,你的意思就是要我们等Jack的乐队来了,表演完了以后再走。Michael, 那乘我们等他的时候,你再给我举几个例子,好不好? M: Well, you remember Angie Summers, right? She finished her Ph.D. last spring, but has decided to stick around and do some post-doctoral work before she starts looking for a job. L: 我当然记得Angie Summers啦。她今年春天拿到了博士学位,可是决定在开始找工作前先不离开学校,做一些博士后的工作。所以,在这里,to stick around就是她继续呆下去,不离开学校。噢,Michael,我们还要等Jack等多久嘛? M: I don't know. Let's just stick around for another half hour or so. If Jack doesn't show up, we can leave. L: 好,那再等他半小时,否则我可真要受不了了! ****** L: (sighs) 噢,谢天谢地,总算完了,我要再在里面呆下去,就要聋了。 M: Yeah, I'm sorry about that, Li Hua. But if we hadn't waited for Jack to perform, he would have given us a huge guilt trip about it on Monday. L: 要是我们不等Jack的话,他会给我们什么?A guilt trip? Guilt不是感到有罪,感到内疚吗?那Trip是旅行。你是说Jack会觉得非常抱歉啊? M: No, I meant he'd make us feel guilty. L: 噢,他让我们感到内疚? M: That's right. A "guilt trip" means guilty feelings one has about doing something wrong. To "give someone a guilt trip" means to try and make him feel guilty. L: 等等等等,这我得弄清楚了。A guilt trip就是一个人做错了什么事而觉得内疚,好象他犯了错误。To give someone a guilt trip就是让别人感到内疚。嘿,Jack的乐队水平那么差,让我们来听这种音乐,他应该觉得内疚才对呀! M: I agree. So when was the last time you had a guilt trip about something? L: 我最后一次觉得内疚是什么时候啊?那就是我要跟我男朋友分手的时候啊,是我要跟他分手的,我到现在心里还感到有点抱歉。 M: Don't let him put a guilt trip on you. So why did you break up with him anyway? L: 因为我和你老在一块儿学习,他老是让我觉得好象我做错了什么是的。He tried to put a guilt trip on me. M: What? That's insane. I'm glad you broke up with him. Anyway, you'd better not try to make me feel guilty about him. L: 对,他呀,是有毛病,所以我才和他分手的嘛。我告诉你可是没有要让你感到内疚的意思啊! M: That's better.