
Fruit Ninja
Dow Jones
Dow Ming
A lot of you guys asked me how I got into Harvard. And since I have no life and no job, I decided to make a short video with five basic steps on how you can get into Harvard. Welcome to the first day of class. Today I'll be teaching you how to get into Harvard. "Harvard? That's my favorite school. I really want to go there. Yeah, Harvard." "Have you ever had homework problems that you couldn't solve?" Step one, get glasses. If you already have glasses, get bigger glasses. Couldn't have done without the glasses. Everyone plays the piano or the violin. But who plays the triangle? Exactly, no one. It's imperative to hold new testing skills by working fruitfully on your hand-eye coordination. A good warm-up is essential. Spend at least 15 minutes every day playing Fruit Ninja. Killed it. Thank you, Fruit Ninja Oh shoot, I forgot books. And one. "OK, Jeremy, 6X6?" "36." "9X8?" "72." "Go on. 211X98?" "For example, who knows the Dow Jones down five points today?" "Wayne" "Who's Dow? What team does he play for? Did they win? Or you mean Dow Ming?" Hopefully my video will help you get into the Harvard or the school of your choice. If I can go back into high school, I would only change one thing. I would still make sure I try to give my best effort but I would worry a lot less and I would enjoy that experience - those four years in high school, because they really do fly by. Even when I got rejected from Stanford, I was pretty disappointed and crushed because that was my dream school. But looking back, I realize God had a perfect plan for me. Everything worked out the way that was supposed to.
好多人问我是怎么进哈佛的。我一没工作二没活动,决定做个短片,说说上哈佛的五个基本步骤。 欢迎来上第一次课。今天,我要教你怎么进哈佛。 “哈佛?我最喜欢那儿了。真想去那儿上学。哈佛啊。” “你是否遇到过不会做的作业题?” 第一步,搞副眼镜。如果已经有眼镜了,换副更大的。 多亏有眼镜才做出来这些。 人人都会演奏钢琴,或者小提琴。但是有谁会演奏——三角铁?没错,没有人。 要想掌握考试的新技巧,就得成果斐然地练习手眼协调能力,必须有好的热身训练。每天至少花15分钟“切水果”。搞定。感谢“切水果”。 靠,忘拿书了。加一个。 “好,Jeremy,6乘以6?” “36。” “9乘以8?” “72。” “再来,211乘以98?” “道琼斯(Dow Jones)今天降了5点,有谁知道?Wayne,你说。” “道琼斯是谁?他在哪个队?赢了没?要不你说的是明道(Dow Ming)?” 希望这个视频可以帮大家被哈佛或者你相中的学校录取。 如果能回到高中,我只会改变一点。我还是会保证竭尽全力拼搏,不过我不会再那么忧虑,而是会享受那段高中的生活经历,因为那四年真的是稍纵即逝。当时,我被斯坦福拒掉之后,感觉特别失望和崩溃,因为进斯坦福是我的梦想。但现在回顾过往,我意识到,上帝对我有一个完美的计划,发生的一切都自有安排。 ——译文来自: sighsmile