1、上衣的肩带 the spaghetti straps of the top

2、小小的银耳环 tiny silver hoop

3、条纹T恤 striped T-shirt

4、绑带高跟鞋 high strappy shoes

5、豹纹的 leopard-print

6、标志性形象 signature look

7、你变整洁了 you have smartened up a bit

8、剪头发 snip off the hair

9、我感到一阵愤怒 I feel a slight swell of indignation


I can pick up the vibe of a place in an instant, like bushmen in the wild

11、我一下子被店里那些昂贵皮革的气味所包围了 I am hit by the overwhelming smell of expensive leather

12、人形模特 mannequin

13、摈除头脑中一切杂念 clear your mind of all extraneous thought

14、我在瑜伽锻炼中如鱼得水 I’m a bit of a natural at yoga

15、我的目光紧紧跟随着那个渐行渐远老人的身影 My eye drifts toward the retreating figure of the old man

16、主持烛光晚餐派对 preside over candle-lit supper party

17、我想到即将要走了,的确感到有点悲伤 I feel a slight twinge at the thought of leaving

18、我喜欢美国 I was made for America

19、聚沙成塔,积少成多 look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves


It is a sunny day with a slight breeze, and the sunlight is glinting off windows and cars


Hills and tea plantations stretch ahead, then merge into a deep blue sky