Blue Box
Henry Kissinger

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At first the Blue Box was used for fun and pranks. The most daring of these was when they called the Vatican and Wozniak pretended to be Henry Kissinger wanting to speak to the pope. "We are at de summit meeting in Moscow, and ve need to talk to de pope," Woz intoned. He was told that it was 5:30 a.m. and the pope was sleeping. When he called back, he got a bishop who was supposed to serve as the translator. But they never actually got the pope on the line. "They realized that Woz wasn't Henry Kissinger," Jobs recalled. "We were at a public phone booth." It was then that they reached an important milestone, one that would establish a pattern in their partnerships: Jobs came up with the idea that the Blue Box could be more than merely a hobby; they could build and sell them. "I got together the rest of the components, like the casing and power supply and keypads, and figured out how we could price it," Jobs said, foreshadowing roles he would play when they founded Apple. The finished product was about the size of two decks of playing cards. The parts cost about $40, and Jobs decided they should sell it for $150.
起初蓝盒子只是用来找乐子或者搞恶作剧。最著名的一次,他们打给梵蒂冈,沃兹尼亚克假装是亨利基辛格,想要跟教皇通电话。“我正在莫斯科参加峰会,我需要跟教皇通电话。”沃兹回忆当时自己说的话。他被告知当地时间是早上五点半,教皇还在睡觉。当他再次打过去的时候,接电话的是一名充当翻译的主教。但对方并没有真的让教皇接电话。“他们意识到沃兹是冒牌的,”乔布斯回忆说,“我们当时在一个公用电话亭。” 也就是那时候,发生了一件具有里程意义的事件,也确立了今后他们合作关系的模式:乔布斯认为蓝盒子不该再停留在业余爱好阶段了。他们可以制作然后销售。“我把剩下的元件都集中起来,比如说盒子、电源和数字键盘,然后想出了定价方式。”乔布斯说,这也预示了他日后在创立苹果公司过程中将扮演的角色。成品的大小差不多有两副扑克牌那么大,所有的零部件价值40美元,乔布斯决定以150美元的价格出售。