公告板: 每天中午12点半,办公室英语来报道!短小精悍,专为办公一族设计。由浅入深,适合白领人士学习英语。

Hint: 1、本文出现的名称:James;Christine;Mr. Emory;Umm;
Where's the James's file, Christine? I had it right here a minute ago, Mr. Emory. Umm. Just a minute… Christine, I know you're new here and there's a lot to learn, but you are going to have to learn to keep your work in better order. We can't afford to lose an important document. Yes, sir. I apologize for that. Here's the file you were looking for, Mr. Emory.
A:James的档案在哪里,Christine? B:一分钟以前还在这里,Emory先生。嗯。请稍等一会…… A:Christine,我知道你是新来的,而且有很多新东西得学,但你必须要学会使你的工作更有条理。我们丢不起任何重要文件。 B:是的,先生。我为此道歉。这是您要找的文件,Emory先生。 (翻译解析提供:脏乖)