Rose:Hello, Jack. ______1_____ They said you might be up here.
Jack:Give me your hand. Now close your eyes. __2___ Now step up. Now hold on to the railing.Keep your eyes closed. _____3____
Rose: I'm not.
Jack: Step up onto the rail. Hold on. Hold on. Keep your eyes closed. ____4____
Rose: I trust you.
Jack: All right, open your eyes.
Rose: I'm flying. Jack.
Jack: “Come, Josephine, in my flying machine. Going up. She goes up. She goes…”

每一句都要写句号 开头大写
I changed my mind. Go on. Don't peek. Do you trust me?
你好,Jack。我改变主意了。我听说你可能在这儿… 抓住我的手。闭上眼睛。快啊。上去。抓住栏杆。 眼睛闭好。别偷看。 我没偷看。 踩到栏杆上。抓紧。抓紧。眼睛闭好。你相信我么? 我相信你。 好了,睁开眼睛。 我飞起来了。Jack。 来吧,Josephine,坐上我的飞机。一起飞翔。她飞起来。她飞起来…