


1. 胳膊肘(elbow)没有膝盖(knee)强壮!攻击效果和范围(attack effect and range)要好得多;

2. 遇到蒙面匪(masked bandits)可将钱包丢远处伺机逃跑;

3. 再贵的东西也比不上生命(Nothing is more precious than your life);

4. 冷静是关键(Steady yourself if danger threatens),深呼吸,保持清醒。



5. 求救也要有技巧,保证处在安全的区域再大声呼救(screaming and calling for help);

6. 如果被丢到后车厢里(the trunk of a car),踢后车灯大声挥手呼救(punch out the brake light covers and thrust your hand out to attract the attention of other motorists)要在人多的地方;

7. 不要坐在车里算账,副驾驶(the passenger seat)的位置有隐患。



8. 安全气囊(airbags)可能会救你,但前提是你系着安全带(wearing the seatbelt);

9. 停车场忠告(parking lot advice):上车前记住四处查看环境(glance around before you enter your car)。



10. 遇到电梯故障(elevator failures),保持姿势缓冲惯性(to cushion the impact of inertia);

11. 遇到匪徒持枪或其他武器(gun or other weapons),不要乱跑;

12. 时刻保持警惕(be on the alert all the time);

13. 不要轻易开门,用猫眼(peephole)观察情况;

14. 从加油站或是便利店出来,上车锁门(lock the door of your car)。