National Gallery of Art
The place I enjoyed most was the National Gallery of Art. I spent a whole afternoon there feasting my eyes on all their modern paintings. I'm on diet trying to lose ten pounds, so I stopped to feast my eyes on the cakes in the bakery window, but resisted the temptation to go in and buy one to eat. When my wife told me we were going to have a baby, it hit me right between the eyes. I bet I fooled around with these equations for ten minutes but then all of a sudden the right answer hit me right between the eyes.
世界各国的诗人写了好多诗来描写人的眼睛,有的把眼睛称为"灵魂的窗户",还有的说,人们通过眼睛所表达的语言在世界各处都是共同的。这也许是确实的,因为世界各种语言中用"眼睛"这个词表达的意思都是大同小异的。今天我们就来给大家介绍几个和眼睛有关的习惯用语。 中文里有"饱尝眼福"的说法。美国英语里也有类似的习惯用语。其中之一就是to feast your eyes on。Feast的意思是:宴请,举行盛大的筵席,或使人得到享受等。宴请你的眼睛,使你的眼睛得到享受,实际上也就是"饱尝眼福"的意思。To feast your eyes on这个说法可以应用到各个方面,比如说看到美貌的女子,欣赏自然风光,观赏艺术作品等。举个例子来说,一个到华盛顿来访问的人也许会说: "The place I enjoyed most was the National Gallery of Art. I spent a whole afternoon there feasting my eyes on all their modern paintings." 这个人说:"我最喜欢的地方是国家艺术馆。我化了整整一个下午在那里欣赏他们的现代绘画,真是饱尝了眼福。" To feast your eyes on还可以用在食品方面。我们下面来举个例子吧: "I'm on diet trying to lose ten pounds, so I stopped to feast my eyes on the cakes in the bakery window, but resisted the temptation to go in and buy one to eat." 这个人说:"我正在设法减肥,想减轻我的体重十磅。为此,我只是到那些面包房去饱饱眼福,但是尽量克制自己不进去买东西吃。" 美国人一般来说是很喜欢吃蛋糕、奶油、冰淇淋等甜食。但是目前,从健康出发,很多人很注意自己的体重,因此人们对食品中的糖份很敏感,特别是体重超重的人,往往克制自己的食欲而避免吃蛋糕之类的甜食。实在克制不住的时候,吃了甜食就好像犯了什么错误一样。因此,好多人乾脆不去看那些五颜六色、花色繁多的点心柜台,免得自己馋得忍不住。 我们今天要讲的第二个和eyes,也就是和"眼睛"有关的习惯用语是to hit between the eyes。To hit between the eyes听起来是好像是很痛苦的事,但是作为一个俗语,它的意思仅仅是:十分惊奇。下面就是一个例子: "When my wife told me we were going to have a baby, it hit me right between the eyes." 这位不久就要当爸爸的人说:"当我的妻子告诉我她已经怀孕了的时候,我真是惊奇万分。" 下面一个例子是一个学生在做家庭作业,他说: "I bet I fooled around with these equations for ten minutes but then all of a sudden the right answer hit me right between the eyes." 他说:"我敢打赌,我在这些方程式上花了总总十分钟还没有得出答案。后来,不知怎么回事,我突然想出了正确的答案。" 今天我们讲的两个习惯用语都是和眼睛,也就是和eyes有关的。第一个是to feast your eyes on。To feast your eyes on和中文里的"饱尝眼福"这个说法是相同的意思。我们讲的第二个习惯用语是to hit between the eyes。To hit between the eyes的意思是:非常突然。