【吸血鬼日记】第一季第四集(4) Elena&Stefan
【The Vampire Diaries】S01E04(4) Elena&Stefan

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Stefan: I hope Damon didn't drive you too crazy.
Elena: No, actually, he was on good behavior. __________1__________ And it all goes back to Katherine.
Elena:So tell me about her. What happened?
Stefan: It's not something I like to talk about.
Elena: I get that. I do. I just want you to know that you can. I mean, I burden you with all of my drama. And I want you to do the same.
Stefan: I know. Thank you.
Elena: The truth is, Stefan... I don't really know that much about you. And I'd really love it if you would open up to me.
Stefan: Damon said something, didn't he? ___________2____________
Elena: This isn't about Damon.___________3____________ Look, you're the mystery guy and I like that. But with mystery comes secrets, and this thing with Katherine.
Stefan: __________4____________
Elena: Well, then, say something about yourself. Anything. Otherwise, I'm left with nothing but what other people tell me.
Stefan: Don't you see what Damon has done here? __________5__________
Elena: Well, then I guess it's working.
He even apologized and explained why he is the way he is. He likes to play games and cause trouble, Elena. It's about me trying to get to know you. Let it go. I don't want to talk about it. He's trying to get you to turn against me.
Stefan:希望Damon没让你太抓狂吧。 Elena:没,一点也没有,他很绅士。他甚至道了歉,解释了以前为什么那样做这一切都归结到Katherine的问题了。 Stefan:嗯。 Elena:那就跟我谈谈她吧。到底发生了什么? Stefan:我不大想谈这个。 Elena:我知道,真的。我只是想让你知道我们可以敞开心扉。我是说,我有什么不幸都向你诉苦。我希望你也会那样。 Stefan:我明白。谢了。 Elena:可事实是,Stefan……我对你知之甚少。我很希望你能对我敞开一切。 Stefan: Damon多嘴了,是吗?他总是喜欢玩诡计惹是生非,Elena。 Elena:这不关Damon的事,是我渴望想要了解你。你是个神秘的男孩,我喜欢这点。但不喜欢神秘成了秘密,尤其关于Katherine的事。 Stefan:过去不要再提了,我不想谈这个。 Elena:好,那就说些关于你的,什么都行。要不我就不得不听信流言蜚语了。 Stefan:你没看清楚Damon在干嘛吗?他企图让你离开我。 Elena:现在,我想他如愿以偿了。