Barnes & Noble
And some Kindle users got a shock last week. They were surprised to find that copies of 2 books disappeared from their devices. These were 99-cent versions of George Orwell's "1984" and "Animal Farm." Bloggers have had fun pointing out that "1984" is largely about censorship -- the suppression of i…
星期,Kindle电子阅读器的一些用户吃惊地发现,他们阅读器里的两电子书不见了,它们是George Orwell的《1984》和《动物农场》,售价均为99美分。 博主们开玩笑地指出,《1984》的消失主要是因为审查,即“老大哥”对社会进行的信息压制。亚马逊则解释称,他们无权出售该书,因此将其删除,并退还购书款。 本周,世界上最大的…