Dick was so crazy about Jane that he threw himself at her feet. Jane was swept off her feet and they're getting married next Tuesday. Hal, I know how anxious you are to get married and start a family. But don't let yourself get swept off your feet by a pretty face, think about what you are doing before you get caught. Right now the house is a real bargain. Don't let the grass grow under your feet -- sign the agreement today before somebody grabs it. I tell you, don't let the grass grow under your feet -- this is the last day of this sale and the price on this model goes up a thousand dollars tomorrow.
今天我们再来讲两个和 foot 或 feet 有关的俗语。我们曾经讲过: to stand on one's own two feet,这是独立自主,依靠自己的意思。我们还讲过: to throw oneself at someone's feet,这是公开表示对某人的爱慕之情,或是拍马奉承、百般讨好某人。可是,被爱慕或讨好的对象往往会突然感到非常兴奋而不由自主地变得飘飘然起来。这种情景在英文里是这么说的: to be swept off one's feet。下面我们要举的一个例子就可以看出一个人在 throwing himself at someone's feet 以后所可能产生的后果: "Dick was so crazy about Jane that he threw himself at her feet. Jane was swept off her feet and they're getting married next Tuesday." 这句话的意思是:"迪克实在是爱简,他完全拜倒在她的石榴裙下。这一下使得简感到飘飘然,不由自主了。他们竟然决定下星期二就结婚。" 这种闪电式的结婚确实有点过于匆忙。下面一个例子就是一个人在劝他的朋友不要草率从事。这也说明 to be swept off one's feet 这个俗语不一定完全适用于被爱慕的人,也可以用在其他场合: "Hal, I know how anxious you are to get married and start a family. But don't let yourself get swept off your feet by a pretty face: think about what you are doing before you get caught." 他说:"海尔,我知道你是非常急于结婚成家。但是,你不要被一张漂亮的脸弄得昏昏然的。在问题还没有发生前,你得脑子清楚一些,明白自己到底在干什么。" 像结婚这样的事确实应该慎重考虑,不能操之过急。但是有的时候,我们处理事情也不能拖拖拉拉,浪费时间。这在英文里就是: Don't let the grass grow under one's feet。 Grass 是指草。 Don't let the grass grow under one's feet 从字面上来解释,这句话的意思是:不要让草在你脚底下长出来,实际上也就是说,你不要什么事也不干,浪费时间。我们来举一个例子吧: "Right now the house is a real bargain. Don't let the grass grow under your feet -- sign the agreement today before somebody grabs it." 这是一个房产经纪人在对一个买主说话。他说:"现在房产价格实在是非常便宜。你不要浪费时间,最好今天就签合同,免得给别人把这栋房子抢走。" Don't let the grass grow under your feet 是推销产品的人经常说的话。下面的例子是一个汽车商在对顾客说话: "I tell you, don't let the grass grow under you feet -- this is the last day of this sale and the price on this model goes up a thousand dollars tomorrow!" 他说:"我告诉你,今天是这次减价的最后一天。这种型号的车子,明天就要上涨一千美元。所以你不要犹豫不决,浪费时间。" 上面我们给大家介绍了两个和 foot 或者 feet 这个字有关的习惯用语。第一个是: to be swept off one's feet,这是指一个人由于一件使他兴奋的事而感到不由自主。今天我们讲的另一个习惯用语是: Don't let the grass grow under one's feet,这是劝人不要停止不前,浪费时间。