Think of a quality that defines a strong leader. Do I hear: dynamic, driven, decisive, original? Well, I probably didn’t hear “original.” Because people who are considered “creative” are generally not viewed as leaders. That’s according to a study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
People who show imagination can be seen as dreamers because their ideas have not been proven. Those seen as leaders, on the other hand, are expected to maintain order and to ____1____. Yet in today’s business world, companies say they’re looking for creative CEOs who can promote change and lead their businesses in profitable new directions.
To examine what we really think about creativity, scientists asked students to present ideas for how airlines can ____2____ their passengers. Half the students were told to come up with novel solutions, and the rest were asked to ____3____. Other students who then listened to these pitches rated those who were innovative as having less leadership potential.
So go ahead, think outside the box. But if you want to ____4____, you might consider ____5____. At least until you’ve ____6____ that corner office.

keep things moving forward get more revenue from stick with something more tried-and-true scale the corporate ladder keeping your most interesting ideas under wraps nailed
创造力有损领袖形象 想想我们是如何定义一名强有力的领导人的,是否包括这些形容词?——精力充沛、积极努力、坚定果断、具有独创性?哦,好吧,或许并不包括“具有独创性”。原因在于人们一般不认为领袖会“具有创造性”。这可是根据《实验社会心理学杂志》上刊登的一项研究得出的结果哦。 大秀想象力的人会被认为是梦想家,因为他们的想法未经事实证明。而另一方面,人们期望领袖人物能够维持秩序,保持事务正常向前发展。不过,在现今的商业界,公司们都声称他们在寻找具有创见性的CEO,认为这样的CEO能够推动改革并领导企业在新领域盈利。 为了调查清楚我们对创造力究竟抱有何种心态,科学家们要求学生就航空公司怎样才能从乘客身上获得更多收入这个问题献计献策。他们要求一半学生拿出新的解决方案,而要求另一半学生一点要用行之有效的办法。然后找来另外一些学生来对这些办法评测,结果表明那些想出具有创造性主意的人被评为更不具领导潜力。 如此说来,你若想跳出固有思维模式来做事,那就放手一搏吧。可若想要在公司里步步高升,你可得让你那些最有意思的想法保持低调。至少留到你一个人呆在角落里那间办公室时(已经高升之后)再说吧。