Stretch your way to better health

Feel better all over with these simple stretches!



Whether you play sports or just sit in an office all day, you should stretch. Why? It's good for you, and it makes your muscle more flexible. Stretching also increases blood circulation, reduces stress and helps you stand up straighter. All in all, streching makes you feel better all over!

Basic stretches can help your leg, hip, lower back, neck, and shoulder muscles. Follow these tips when you stretch:

·Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds.

·Don't bounce. Bouncing as you stretch can cause small tears in the muscle.

·Focus on a pain-free stretch. If you feel pain as you stretch, back off until you don't feel any. Then hold the stretch.

·Relax and breathe. Don't hold your breath while stretching.

Warm up for five to 10 minutes before you stretch. To do that, walk around while gently moving your arms. Then start stetching! Both your body and mind will feel better.

Word Bank:

muscle (n) 肌肉
Jeff has strong muscles becuse he carries heavy boxes every day.

flexible (adj) 有弹性的;柔韧的
Dancers must have flexible muscles so they can move easily.

circulation (n) 循环
The fan helped to improve the circulation of air in the room.

bounce (v) 蹦蹦跳跳
The children bounced up and down in their chairs.They couldn't sit still!


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