Actors David Bradley and Rupert Graves are to guest star in Series 7 of Doctor Who.

Veteran actor David Bradley is probably best known for his more recent role as school caretaker Argus Filch in the Harry Potter movies (yes, another one from Hogwarts!) He also appeared in an episode of Game of Thrones last year.

This isn’t actually Bradley’s first outing in the Whoniverse though; he was the voice of the vulture-like Shansheeth in The Sarah Jane Adventures story Death of the Doctor.

Rupert Graves meanwhile, will be recognisable to many readers as Detective Inspector Lestrade in Steven Moffat’s other show Sherlock.

The pair join Mark Williams, who was caught on set when filming began on Monday.


许多我们熟悉的演员也加入到了新的卡司之中。制作人同样是史蒂文·莫法特,在《神探夏洛克》中饰演苏格兰场雷斯垂德探长的鲁伯特·格雷夫斯(Rupert Graves)将客串《神秘博士》的第7季,他之前还曾经和第10任博士大卫·田纳特在《单身老爸》中合作。

另外一位确定客串的,是在《哈利·波特》系列中,饰演Weasley老爹的马克·威廉姆斯(Mark Williams),有消息说,马克将有可能饰演Roy的老爹。
