London's Excel
Rob Knight
Karel Capek
A robotic elephant trunk and an electronic jellyfish are just two of the robots on show at the Worldskills 2011 fair at London's Excel in October. The Aquajelly robot, pulsing up and down under its own propulsion, has no obvious practical purpose but may help inspire the next generation of robotics inventors. Another creature closely based on a natural and familiar form is the Eccerobot. He may have only one eye, but this friendly robot can wave hello. The Geneva-based team behind Eccerobot want to make their robot user-friendly and as anatomically accurate as possible. In contrast to most mechanical devices, Eccerobot is closely based on the internal workings of the human body. It has the same internal structure of a spine, discs and elastic muscles. It's floppy and elastic. So, it's more than just a pretty face. Rob Knight, is the CEO of Robot Studio, which developed Eccerobot. "We're trying to copy the internal mechanisms of the human body rather than just the external forms, which is what pretty much all other robots do. And the reason for that is that we want robots to not just to look like us but to move like us, interact with us in a safe way." 2011 was the 90th anniversary of the term "robot" first coined by Czech writer Karel Capek in his play "RUR." Robotics in 2012 has a lot to live up to.