"Smallville" star Kristin Kreuk is returning to the CW -- and once again, she'll be hanging around with a superhero.
Kreuk -- who played Lana Lang on the CW's take on the Superman myth -- has landed the female lead in the network's upcoming "Beauty and the Beast" pilot.
Kreuk will play Catherine, an NYPD homicide detective who witnessed her mother's murder nine years earlier, and eventually tracks down the Beast who avenged her mother's death by killing her murderers. Catherine then helps the Beast protect his superhero identity.
Loosely based on the CBS series starring Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton, the CW's "Beast" pilot is written and executive produced by Jennifer Levin ("Without a Trace," "Felicity") and Sherri Cooper ("Brothers and Sisters"), with Paul J. Witt, C. Anthony Thomas, Ron Koslow and Bill Haber also executive-producing. CBS Television Studios is producing.
《超人前传》的克斯汀·克鲁克(Kristin Kreuk)回归CW电视网,这次还是以名正言顺的“美女”身份。
这位加拿大女演员为人熟知是出演了近10年Lana Lang一角在《超人前传》中,目前她正式被钦定主演面向年轻群体的电视网CW新剧《美女与野兽》。这个项目并不完全相同于80年代CBS同名剧集(这部剧集曾经在《正大剧场》播出过,名字是《侠胆雄狮》),这版是一个扭曲的现代浪漫爱情故事。
詹妮弗·莱文(Jennifer Levin)和雪莉·库珀(Sherri Cooper)在为剧集撰写首播集剧本的同时还会和保罗·乔恩格·威特(Paul J.Witt)、C·安东尼·托马斯(C.Anthony Thomas)、朗·科斯洛(Ron Koslow)、比尔·哈勃(Bill Haber)出任执行制片人。加里·弗莱德(Gary Fleder)被邀请执导首播集。