Artemisinin (苦艾内酯)

[---1-2---] But there is hope.
Joel Breman: [---3---]
You're listening to Malaria expert Joel Breman, he is a senior scientific advisor at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. [---4---]
Joel Breman: [---5-6---]
Joel Breman: [---8---]
More with Joel Breman and malaria on our website. ES, a clear voice for science. We’re at Es. Org.
Half of the people on Earth today are at risk of contracting the disease malaria carried by mosquitoes. And close to one million people, mainly children in Africa, die of the disease each year, according to the World Health Organization. There are some exciting new breakthroughs, and the first is that we now have some new drugs that are very effective against the most severe form of malaria. He said that it might be possible, with a combination of new drugs and other measures, to eliminate malaria worldwide by 2050. The new class of drugs based on Artemisinin, a compound, is now combined with a whole raft of other drugs. And this type of therapy is very, very effective. Breman added that bed nets, treated with insecticide, offer personal protection against the mosquito that carries malaria. And an exciting new development is that we now have textile chemistry allowing the insecticide to be woven into the threads and they last up to five years.
迄今地球上一半的人口面临感染由蚊子携带的疟疾的危险性。据世界卫生组织报道,在非洲,每年有接近一百万的人群,主要是幼童死于疟疾。 有些令人激动的新突破,首先是我们现在已经研发出新药,能够十分有效的对抗最严重形式的疟疾。 他说,在新药和其他措施的联合作用下,很有可能在2050年全球性的消灭疟疾。 这种新种类的药物主要成分为黄花蒿素,一种复合物,现在已经和大量其他药物结合。而且这种疗法十分有效。 布莱曼补充道,涂抹了杀虫剂涂层的蚊帐,提供了个人保护来抵挡携带有疟疾的蚊虫。 而且一项令人激动的发现时,我们已经有了一项防止化学,可以将杀虫剂编织进麻线中,而且药物效力可以保持五年之久。 ——译文来自: complicatedQ