Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Sunnyvale Electronics
HP Explorers Club

也可以随时碎碎给我们@流年碎,@痞子李 有问必答。
As soon as Jobs got the call from Wozniak that Sunday afternoon, he knew they would have to get their hands on the technical journal right away. "Woz picked me up a few minutes later, and we went to the library at SLAC, the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, to see if we could find it," Jobs recounted. It was Sunday and the library was closed, but they knew how to get in through a door that was rarely locked. "I remember that we were furiously digging through the stacks, and it was Woz who finally found the journal with all the frequencies. It was like, holy shit, and we opened it and there it was. We kept saying to ourselves, 'It's real. Holy shit, it's real.' It was all laid out - the tones, the frequencies." Wozniak went to Sunnyvale Electronics before it closed that evening and bought the parts to make an analog tone generator. Jobs had built a frequency counter when he was part of the HP Explorers Club, and they used it to calibrate the desired tones. With a dial, they could replicate and tape-record the sounds specified in the article. By midnight they were ready to test it. Unfortunately the oscillators they used were not quite stable enough to replicate the right chirps to fool the phone company. "We could see the instability using Steve's frequency counter," recalled Wozniak, "and we just couldn’t make it work. I had to leave for Berkeley the next morning, so we decided I would work on building a digital version once I got there."
那个周日的下午,乔布斯接到沃兹的电话后,立刻意识到他们必须马上找到那本技术期刊。“几分钟之后沃兹就来接我,我们去了斯坦福大学线性加速器中信的图书馆,想看看能不能找到。”乔布斯回忆道。那天是周日,图书馆关门了,但他们穿过一扇很少上锁的门进到了里面。“我记得我们在书架上猛翻,最后沃兹找到了那本期刊,上面有所有的频率。那种感觉简直就是‘天哪!’我们翻开它,所有信息都有。我们一直对自己说:‘这是真的,天哪!这是真的!’所有信息都写的清清楚楚——音调,频率。” 那天晚上,沃兹尼亚克在森尼韦尔电子商店关门之前跑了过去,买到了制造模拟声音发生器需要的零部件。乔布斯之前在惠普探索俱乐部的时候就做过一个频率计数器,他们用这个计数器来调校他们需要的声音。只要一拨号,他们就能复制并录下文章中制定的声音。到了午夜,他们准好测试了。很不幸,他们使用的振荡器不够稳定,无法准确复制能够骗过系统的声音。“我们使用史蒂夫的频率计数器可以发现振荡器的不稳定性,”沃兹尼亚克说,“但就是没办法让它工作。我第二天一早就要去伯克利了,所以我们决定,等我到那儿之后,就着手制造一个数字版的蓝盒子。”