官网日期:01-16-2012 14:46 BJT
原文标题:China I.D. rules cut down on scalpers

Shanghai Railway Station
Well new rules that force travelers to use thier real names when buying train tickets have proven successful at cutting down on scalping. That means lower ticket prices for many migrants set back home for the Spring Festival.
Well new rules that force travelers to use thier real names when buying train tickets have proven successful at cutting down on scalping. That means lower ticket prices for many migrants set back home for the Spring Festival. The Shanghai Railway Station was packed Thursday morning with people waiting in line to purchase tickets home for the Spring Festival. They say they notice a big difference from previous years. "I found the number of ticket scalpers is fewer this year." Railway police say they've caught 88 ticket scalpers, and confiscated more than 2,000 tickets, since early last December. But they haven't caught any since the new year when the real-name rule went into effect. However, some scalpers are using phone bookings to get tickets. That's because the phone system lets people buy three tickets with one ID card. "I booked three tickets under my ID. I sold them at a 200 yuan profit each. Buyers just need to change the name on the tickets with their own ID." Police say they've begun looking into that scheme, and have put together a database of more than 40 phone numbers and 1,300 people involved in scalping. With new rules on train tickets, some scalpers have moved on to long-distance bus tickets. For some routes, they can get tickets below face value by buying directly from the bus owner. With tickets scarce for some popular routes, they can charge a huge premium, sometimes twice the original price.
新推行的火车票实名制确实能够有效遏制黄牛党的倒票行为。这意味着外来务工人员能在春节回家旅程上享受到更优惠的票价。 周二早晨,上海火车站就挤满了前来排队购票回家过年的乘客。他们说今年和往年相比大有不同。 “我发现今年黄牛党少了很多。” 铁路警察称,自去年12月来,他们已经抓到了88名黄牛倒票贩,没收了2000多张火车票。不过今年自实名制实行后,就没抓到过黄牛党。 然而,还是有部分黄牛党通过电话预定把火车票弄到手。因为电话订购系统允许每张身份证购买三张票。 “我用我的身份证买了三张票。转卖后每张赚了200元。买家只要把票的名字改成他们自己的就行了。” 警务人员表示他们已经开始着手调查,并搜集到了涉及黄牛倒票的40多个电话号码和近1300人。 随着新制度的实行,黄牛党们又把注意力转向了长途客车票。他们私底下可以直接跟司机低价购买某些线程的车票。由于手中持有很难买到很火的车票,他们可以肆意抬价,有时售价甚至比原价高两倍。