Here is our first look at some photos from the upcoming earthquake movie, Aftershock, thanks to /Film. Eli Roth (Hostel, Inglourious Basterds) presents and co-stars in the disaster flick directed by Chilean filmmaker Nicolás López.

Aftershock is "an English-language action-thriller inspired by the Chilean earthquake that follows a group of six friends (including Roth, several international movie stars and a cameo by pop superstar Selena Gomez) struggling to survive after a massive earthquake hits their city and society crumbles around them. Most of the film will include realistic, practical effects." The film is still shooting in Chile.

The film has been picked up for distribution in 17 countries, according to Screendaily. North American distribution has not been completed but is likely to be done when the film is completed later this year. López revealed that he is expecting the kind of release Roth’s last producing effort, The Last Exorcism, got. He also states that the pair hope to keep making internationally viable movies like this, in Chile.

The script was co-written by López, Roth, and Guillermo Amoedo. The cast also includes Ariel Levy, Nicolás Martínez, Lorenza Izzo, Andrea Osvart, and Natasha Yarovenko, most of whom are major stars in various parts of the world. This looks and sounds like a cool movie to me. Check out the images below, and see for yourself!

娱乐快讯:久未露面的《人皮客栈》系列电影导演伊莱·罗斯转型制片人。日前,由他担任制片人,才气导演尼古拉斯·洛佩斯(Nicolas Lopez)执导的灾难动作片《劫后余生》(Aftershock)首次曝光剧照片场照。影片讲述六位年轻人在遭遇智利大地震之后,展开自救并相互依靠走出灾难阴影的故事。据悉,影片采用现实主义的拍摄手法,部分场景用特效处理。

影片《劫后余生》的剧本由伊莱·罗斯、尼古拉斯·洛佩斯和Guillermo Amoedo共同操刀,汇集了女星赛琳娜·戈麦斯、《雷霆队长与圣杯》女星娜塔莎·亚罗温科、Ariel Levy, Nicolás Martínez、Lorenza Izzo、Andrea Osvart 等演员。目前,影片已在17个国家售出版权,但北美地区版权尚未敲定。导演希望借助伊莱·罗斯的人气在北美收获好价钱。